Accounting & Information Assurance Department

Welcome to the Accounting and Information Assurance (AIA) Department at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

The AIA Department offers courses and programs leading to BS, MS and PhD degrees. In addition, the AIA Department plays a significant role in providing accounting and information assurance courses with the Smith School’s MBA program.

These programs are designed, and have proven, to provide the foundation for our graduates to reach the top echelons of careers in accounting, management, and academia. According to the most recent recruiters' survey by The Wall Street Journal, the Smith School’s undergraduate accounting major ranked No. 7 in the U.S.

Brief Description of the Accounting Field

Accounting and Information Assurance, in a limited sense, is the analysis, classification and recording of financial events, and the reporting of the results of such events for an organization. In a broader sense, accounting consists of all financial systems for planning, controlling and appraising the performance of an organization. Among its many facets, accounting includes financial planning, budgeting, accounting systems, financial management controls, financial analysis of performance, financial reporting, internal and external auditing, and taxation.

Smith's accounting curriculum provides an educational foundation for careers in accounting and other management areas, whether in private business organizations, government and nonprofit agencies, or public accounting firms.

Quick Links


New Textbook Gives Businesses a Roadmap for Using AI
Smith School professor Sean Cao, director of the AI Initiative for Capital Market Research, has authored a free textbook on AI for…
Read News Story : New Textbook Gives Businesses a Roadmap for Using AI
Serving the Community Beyond Campus

Students, Faculty Use Business Expertise to Fight Fraud, Educate Local High Schoolers

Read News Story : Serving the Community Beyond Campus
Smith’s Justice for Fraud Victims Offering Pro Bono Control Risk Assessment for Nonprofits, Small Firms
Justice for Fraud Victims (JFV) at UMD offers pro bono risk assessments for small businesses and nonprofits. Led by Samuel Handwerger, CPA-…
Read News Story : Smith’s Justice for Fraud Victims Offering Pro Bono Control Risk Assessment for Nonprofits, Small Firms

Insights & Research

Seductive Language for Narcissists in Job Postings

New study reveals certain keywords appeal to narcissistic applicants – intentionally or unintentionally

Read the article : Seductive Language for Narcissists in Job Postings
The Accountant Shortage Highlights How Critical Accounting Is to Capital Markets

Read the article : The Accountant Shortage Highlights How Critical Accounting Is to Capital Markets
Smith School Tax Expert Weighs in on Baltimore Orioles Sale

Read the article : Smith School Tax Expert Weighs in on Baltimore Orioles Sale
Earnings Reports Aren't Just for Investors – Consumers Care, Too

Research Shows Earnings Influence Brand Perceptions

Read the article : Earnings Reports Aren't Just for Investors – Consumers Care, Too
SEC Cites Smith Research in New Cybersecurity Disclosure Rules for Public Companies

Read the article : SEC Cites Smith Research in New Cybersecurity Disclosure Rules for Public Companies

Contact Us

Department Chair
Michael Kimbrough
Phone:  301-405-8522

Associate Chair
James McKinney
Phone: 301-405-2217

Department Coordinator
Michael Rogers
Phone: 301-405-4072
Fax: 301-314-9414

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