Initiative for Veteran Lifelong Leadership

Initiative for Veteran Lifelong Leadership

Bridge the Civil-Military Professional Divide

Promoting Veterans as Strategic Assets for a United Economy

Military transition is tough, especially for new veterans aiming to lead in U.S. industries that statistically under-hire them. Every year, hundreds of service-connected professionals and organizations engage Maryland Smith to bridge this civil-military professional divide. Some seek knowledge and experience through traditional academic degrees. A growing number seek programs and partnerships tailored to amplify veteran leadership across America's diverse markets.

Our Initiative

In 2019, Smith committed to address these needs with an open cooperative platform designed to channel public-private ideas and investments into programs and partnerships with three missions:

1. Enhance Vet Present Value

Enhance vet present value with sustainable solutions to vet underemployment

2. Enable Vet Lifelong Learning

Enable vet lifelong learning by connecting cross-generational leaders for U.S. enterprise

3. Elevate Vet Entrepreneurship

Elevate vet entrepreneurship by evidencing its ties to community and economic development

Each mission is advanced through activities such as expert panels, leadership speakers and mentorship events; data-driven collaboration with corporate and non-profit organizations; and joint initiatives with other U.S. universities investing in veterans.  Together they comprise the Initiative for Veteran Lifelong Leadership.

Upcoming Events

There are no upcoming events at this time.

Recent Events

Veteran Transition Panel: The Business of Networking
February 26, 2024

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BIG-10 PANEL: Building Community Through Veteran Entrepreneurship
February 6, 2023

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Veteran Transition Panel: Pitching Your Future
October 6, 2022

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Veteran Transition Panel: Onboard & Upward
April 19, 2022

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Discussion on Military to Federal Employment
March 4, 2022

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Lifelong Leaders Forum with Jim Bell
February 23, 2022

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Initiative Partners

These community partners have aligned with our commitment to promote veteran employment as a strategy, to design programs and platforms inclusive of all uniformed service-connected professionals, and to partner on data-informed impact analysis of our efforts to develop veteran lifelong leaders.

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