Smith School Faculty

Where Expertise Meets Innovation

Our faculty members are not only dedicated educators but also influential thought leaders, consistently pushing the boundaries of business knowledge. Renowned for their groundbreaking research published in top-tier journals and cited by scholars worldwide, they bring unparalleled insights to the classroom. With a commitment to fostering a vibrant intellectual community, our faculty challenge and inspire future business leaders to excel. Through consulting for renowned institutions and sharing cutting-edge techniques, they empower students to navigate complex challenges with confidence. Discover the pinnacle of business education with our world-class faculty at the Smith School.

View the Faculty Directory

Transforming Business With Data-driven Expertise

Smith School faculty drive innovation in business knowledge and practice, consulting for global leaders and sharing data-driven decision-making techniques with students.

Smith Brain Trust

AI at Smith

World-class Academics Shaping Future Leaders

Smith School faculty consistently rank among the best globally, fostering an intellectually vibrant community where aspiring business leaders thrive and excel.

Academic Departments

Centers & Initiatives

Pioneering Research at the Forefront of Business

Smith School faculty produce high-impact research published in premier journals, setting the standard for excellence in business academia and beyond.

Smith School Research

Books by our faculty

21 Smith School Professors Named Among Top 2% Scholars Worldwide

The University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business faculty shapes future leaders in classrooms and drives global impact through groundbreaking research. Recently, 21 professors were ranked among the top 2% most-cited scholars worldwide by Elsevier. Explore their influential contributions elevating knowledge and inspiring the next generation of business leaders. Read more

Faculty Awards and Honors

Our distinguished faculty, boasting diverse expertise in marketing, finance, accounting, logistics, and management, are honored for their groundbreaking research and industry impact. With a global network spanning six continents, our thought leaders actively engage in key events and stay abreast of the latest literature, cementing our position as leaders in business education and innovation. Here are the most recent awardees.

P. K. Kannan

Honored with the 2024 European Marketing Academy Distinguished Marketing Scholar Award for outstanding research contributions in marketing scholarship.

Margrét Bjarnadóttir

Honored with the Knight’s Cross of the Icelandic Order of the Falcon for her pioneering research in pay equity and her significant contributions to HR analytics and workplace equality initiatives.

Trevor Foulk

Winner of the Distinguished Early Career Contributions–Science award from the Society for Industrial and Organizational Psychology for remarkable contributions to the field.

Krowe and Legg Mason Awards

Each May, the Smith School celebrates excellence in teaching by honoring a select group of outstanding faculty members with the highly regarded Krowe or Legg Mason awards. Handpicked from a pool of nominations submitted by students, faculty, staff, alumni, and friends of Smith, these accolades recognize the dedication and impact of our educators.

Read: The Smith School Recognizes Its Outstanding Faculty and Staff at 2024 Assembly

2024 Krowe Award Winners          2024 Legg Mason Award Winners


Endowed Chairs and Professors at the Smith School

Explore the distinguished faculty of our institution who hold endowed chairs and professorships. These respected positions are supported by generous donors, reflecting our commitment to excellence in research, teaching, and academic leadership.

New Faculty at Smith

Discover a few of our dynamic new faculty members, driving innovation and excellence in business education.

Reuben Hurst

Reuben Hurst

Assistant Professor of Management & Organization
Balaji Padmanabhan

Balaji Padmanabhan

Dean's Professor of Decisions, Operations & Information Technologies
Director, Center for Artificial Intelligence in Business
Aneesh Rai

Aneesh Rai

Assistant Professor of Management & Organization

Smith Digital Network (SDFN)

Elevate your enterprise's digital transformation with SDFN. Gain access to a wide range of opportunities including education, research, community building, and tailored mentorship programs. Partner with our notable faculty and students to drive innovation and success in the digital era.

AI at Smith

The Center for Artificial Intelligence in Business pioneers AI research and outreach, focusing on human judgment and creativity to foster safe, innovative products and services through intentional AI-enabled design and governance frameworks, ensuring impactful solutions.

Smith In the News

From insightful quotes to groundbreaking studies, our faculty are at the forefront of their fields. Dive into a collection of news articles showcasing their expertise and groundbreaking research. Discover their perspectives and contributions as they tackle complex challenges and inspire change.

Smith School Directory

The Smith School's world-renowned faculty produce top-tier research, fostering a vibrant intellectual community. Explore our faculty directory to discover leaders across various disciplines. Or get contact information, and learn about their academic credentials, publications, and more.

Academic Departments

Ranked among the world's best, Smith's faculty produce research cited by top scholars and shape a vibrant intellectual community. Across departments like Accounting, DOIT, Finance, LBPP, Management, and Marketing, they challenge future business leaders to learn and grow.

Centers & Initiatives

Pioneering business research shapes leaders and empowers companies to innovate — our Centers of Excellence bridge academia and industry, offering students immersive experiences in dynamic markets and our Initiatives foster critical thinking to drive the future of business.

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