Aki Noguchi Giron Directory Page

Aki Noguchi Giron

Aki Noguchi Giron

Assistant Director, Smith Undergraduate Programs at Shady Grove

Aki Noguchi Giron is the assistant director for the Smith School at Shady Grove, where she serves as the academic advisor for all marketing and management students at Shady Grove and also oversees much of the administrative aspects of the program from faculty service and scheduling, to compiling data.  Aki is a Terp for life, having earned a double degree in accounting and marketing from the Smith School of Business. Prior to graduation, she worked in the office of Undergraduate Studies at College Park; then, after completing her studies, she took a position as an academic advisor at the Shady Grove campus. After taking a few years to hone her accounting and administrative skills in the private sector, she returned to the University of Maryland in 2010 to help students grow academically, providing mentorship and direction to ensure that higher education is a positive space for all students. Away from the office, she enjoys spending time with her family and friends, attending concerts and sporting events, traveling, eating, and running.