Balaji Padmanabhan Directory Page

Balaji Padmanabhan
Dean's Professor of Decisions, Operations & Information Technologies
Director, Center for Artificial Intelligence in Business
Balaji Padmanabhan, Professor of Decision, Operations and Information Technologies, has a Bachelor's degree in Computer Science from Indian Institute of Technology (IIT) Madras and a PhD from New York University (NYU)’s Stern School of Business and has worked in the data science, AI/machine learning and business analytics areas for 25 years. His current work addresses the design of artificial and augmented intelligence solutions that combine data, machine learning and modeling the real-world through complex systems simulations and has broad applications across business, policy, media and healthcare. He has published extensively in data science and related areas at premier journals and conferences in the field and has served on the editorial board of leading journals including Management Science, MIS Quarterly, INFORMS Journal on Computing, Information Systems Research, Big Data, ACM Transactions on MIS and the Journal of Business Analytics.
New Smith Initiative Examines Society’s Challenges from All Sides