Evan Lutz Directory Page

Evan Lutz

Evan Lutz

Executive Advisor, Center for Social Value Creation


Originally from Baltimore, Maryland, Evan Lutz ’14 is passionate about food justice, entrepreneurship and the Baltimore Ravens. As a Maryland student, he created the Food Recovery CSA to redistribute surplus healthy food to students. After graduating, Lutz founded Hungry Harvest, a company that buys "ugly" and surplus fruit and vegetables from Mid-Atlantic farms and delivers boxes of them via a subscription-based model to customers in the Baltimore, Philadelphia and Washington, D.C. metro areas. Since 2014, Hungry Harvest has rescued more than 27 million pounds of produce from going to waste. Lutz appeared in 2016 on ABC's “Shark Tank,” where he received a $100,00 investment. He has been recognized as one of Forbes’ “30 Under 30”, Baltimore Business Journal's “40 Under 40,” and received the Montgomery County Emerging Business of the Year Award.

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