Jennifer Carson Marr Directory Page

Jennifer Carson Marr

Jennifer Carson Marr

Program Director, Doctor of Business Administration

Associate Professor

Ph.D., London Business School

Dr. Jennifer Carson Marr is an Associate Professor in the Management and Organization Department, at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland. She received her PhD in Organizational Behavior from London Business School.

Professor Marr's research examines the dynamics of status hierarchies and motivational goals. In particular, she is interested in how people react to and recover from setbacks involving status loss at work. Marr’s research has been awarded the Best Paper Awardat the Academy of Management Meeting three times, it has been published in top academic journals including Academy of Management Journal , Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Organization Science and Psychological Science, and it has been profiled in various media outlets including The Washington Postand The Financial Times .

Professor Marr currently serves as a Senior Editor for Organization Science and is on the editorial boards for Academy of Management Journal and Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes.

Selected Publications

Lemay, E. P., Park, H., Fernandez, J., & Marr, J. C. (2024). The position that awaits: Implications of expected future status for performance, helping, motivation, and well-being at work. Journal of Experimental Social Psychology, 111, 104560.

Wee, E.X., Derfler-Rozin, R. & Marr, J.C. (2023). Jolted: How Task-Based Jolts Disrupt Status Conferral by Impacting Higher- and Lower-Status Individuals’ Generosity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 108(5), 750–772.

Harari, D., Parke, M. & Marr, J.C. (2022). When helping hurts helpers: Anticipatory versus reactive helping, helper’s relative status, and recipient self-threat. Academy of Management Journal, 65(6), 1954-1983. 

Pettit, N. C. & Marr, J. C. (2020). A trajectories based perspective on status dynamics. Current Opinion in Psychology, 33, 233-237.

Marr, J.C., Pettit, N. & Thau, S. (2019). After the Fall: How Perceived Self-Control Protects the Legitimacy of High-Ranking Individuals After Status Loss. Organization Science, 30, 1165-1188.

Gibson, K. R., +Harari, D. & Marr, J.C.(2018). When sharing hurts: How and why self-disclosing weakness undermines the task-oriented relationships of higher status disclosers. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes,144, 25-43.

Marr, J.C., & Cable, D. (2014). Do interviewers sell themselves short? The effect of selling orientation on interviewers’ judgments. Academy of Management Journal,57, 624-651.

Marr, J.C.,& Thau, S. (2014). Falling from great (and not so great) heights: How initial status position influences performance after status loss. Academy of Management Journal, 57, 223-248.

Pettit, N. C., Sivanathan, N., Gladstone, E., & Marr, J.C. (2013). Rising stars and sinking ships: Consequences of status momentum. Psychological Science, 24, 1579-1584.

Marr, J.C., Thau, S., Aquino, K., & Barclay, L. (2012). Do I want to know? How the motivation to acquire relationship threatening information in groups contributes to paranoid thought, suspicion behavior, and social rejection. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 117, 289-297.

Moon, H., Quigley, N. & Marr, J.C. (2012). How interpersonal motives explain the influence of organizational culture on organizational productivity, innovation, and adaptation: The Ambidextrous Interpersonal Motives (AIM) Model of organizational culture. Organizational Psychology Review,2, 109-128.

Carson, J., Barling, J., & Turner, N. (2007). Group alcohol climate, alcohol consumption, and student performance. Group Dynamics: Research, Theory and Practice,11, 31-41.


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Academic Publications

Conflicted About Coworkers: How Coworker Support Influences Engagement After Status Loss
Personnel Psychology, February 2025

People's needs for status and support are theoretically distinct, yet little research has considered how people cope with having one but not the other. We examine how people react to losing status as a function of whether they typically perceive their coworkers as supportive. Although social support is documented as a resource people can draw on to cope with failure at work, we argue that in the case of failures that implicate status (i.e., status loss), experiencing these events in a more supportive work group may not aid recovery and reengagement. Specifically, we predict that when the preexisting group context is one of more (rather than less) supportive coworkers, status loss may elicit greater ambivalence about those coworker relationships, triggering psychological reactions that undermine engagement. Consistent with this model, in a weekly experience sampling study of working adults (Study 1), having more supportive coworkers led to a stronger negative effect of weekly status loss on subsequent engagement. In scenario-based (Study 2) and high-involvement laboratory (Study 3) experiments featuring different manipulations of coworker support and status loss, we found that when individuals experienced status loss in more (rather than less) supportive work groups, status loss led to lower engagement because it heightened ambivalence about their coworker relationships, which triggered anxiety (Study 2), and self-threat and hurt feelings (Study 3). Theoretical and practical implications are discussed.

Jennifer Carson Marr (UMD), Edward P. Lemay (UMD), Hyunsun Park (Georgia Tech)

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