Jennifer Jenkins Directory Page
Jennifer Jenkins
Executive Advisor, Center for Social Value Creation
Dr. Jennifer Jenkins is Chief Science Officer at Rubicon Carbon, a vertically integrated carbon credit investment and management firm. Jenkins leads the team responsible for ensuring that Rubicon’s products and portfolio meet the highest standards for quality and integrity. In addition, she leads Rubicon Carbon’s work on monitoring, reporting, and verification (MRV) as well as government relations, ESG strategy, and thought leadership. She also serves as founding co-chair of the Business Alliance For Climate Action (BACA), an industry group convened to educate and engage policymakers about the importance of the voluntary carbon market (VCM) for meeting society’s net zero goals.
With a technical background in carbon cycling and ecosystem science, Jenkins brings more than 30 years of experience on matters at the intersection of business and climate across government, academia, and the private sector. A co-recipient of the 2007 Nobel Prize along with Al Gore and other IPCC scientists, she led the work that culminated in the publication of the “Jenkins Equations,” the widely accepted method for estimating tree biomass from diameter in the US. She holds degrees from the University of New Hampshire, the University of Maryland, Yale University, and Dartmouth College.