Myeong-Gu Seo Directory Page

Myeong-Gu Seo
Ph.D. in Organizational Studies, Boston College
Myeong-Gu Seo is Professor of Management and Organization at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business. His primary areas of research regard issues relating to work-related emotions, organizational- and institutional-change. His work, which has received funding from NSF in 2002 and 2005, has been published in several journals including Academy of Management Journal, Academy of Management Review, Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, Personnel Psychology, Journal of Organizational Behavior, Leadership Quarterly, Journal of Applied Behavioral Science, and Academy of Management Learning and Education.
Selected Publications
Parke, M. R., Seo, M., Hu, X., & Jin, S. 2022. The creative and cross-functional benefits of wearing hearts on sleeves: Authentic affect climate, information elaboration, and team creativity. Organization Science, 33: 600-623.
Parke, M., & Seo, M. 2017. The Role of Affect Climate in Organizations. Academy of Management Review, 42: 334-360.
Dong, Y., Seo, M., & Bartol, K. 2014. No Pain, No Gain: An Affect-based Model of Developmental Job Experience and the Buffering Effects of Emotional Intelligence. Academy of Management Journal, 57: 1056-1077.
Hill, N. S., Seo, M., Kang, J., & Taylor, M. S. 2012. Building Employee Commitment to Change Across Organizational Levels: The Influence of Hierarchical Distance and Direct Managers' Trasformational Leadership. Organization Science, 23: 758-777.
Seo, M., Goldfarb, B., & Barrett, L. F. 2010. Affect and the framing effect within individuals across time: Risk taking in a dynamic investment simulation.” Academy of Management Journal, 53: 411-431.
Seo, M. & Barrett, L. F. 2007. Being emotional during decision making, good or bad? An empirical investigation. Academy of Management Journal, 50: 923-940.
Seo, M., Barrett, L., & Bartunek, J. M. 2004. The role of affective experience in work motivation. Academy of Management Review, 29 (3): 423-439.
Seo, M. & Creed, W. E. D. 2002. Institutional contradictions, praxis, and institutional change. Academy of Management Review, 27 (2): 222-247.
Honors and Awards
Top 15% Teaching Award from Smith School of Business, University of Maryland, 2007, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2015.
Curriculum Development Grant ($50,000) from The PricewaterhouseCoopers Foundation, 2008.
Research Grant ($273,175 / PI) from National Science Foundation, 2005.
Doctoral Dissertation Research Grant from National Science Foundation, 2002.
The Second Place Winner of INFORMS Dissertation Proposal Competition, 2002.
The Academy of Management ODC Division Best Doctoral Student Paper, 2001.
SMITH BRAIN TRUST – All those emotions you've been bottling up in the workplace in the interest of projecting a professional image? You…
SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- Congratulations, you just got a stretch assignment! This means your boss trusts you and sees leadership potential.…

To Be More Creative, Teams Must Feel Free To Show Emotions, Study Finds


Using Emotional Intelligence To Relate to Invisible Disabilities