Oya Altınkılıç Directory Page

Oya Altınkılıç

Oya Altınkılıç

Visiting Assistant Professor

PhD in Finance from Virginia Tech


4422 Van Munching Hall

Oya Altınkılıç joined the Robert H. Smith finance faculty as a visitor in 2018. Previously she was faculty at the University of Pittsburgh’s J.M. Katz Graduate School of Business and George Washington University’s Business School. Her research interests are investment banking; corporate financings; security analysts; security issuance; and corporate governance. Her research has been published in top-tier journals: Journal of Financial Economics, Review of Financial Studies, Journal of Accounting and Economics, and Management Science. She has taught PhD, MBA, and undergraduate courses in corporate finance, valuation methods, and international finance. Her research has been featured in The Financial Times, New York Times DealBook, Reuters, The Guardian, Tages-Anzeiger, COIL, Vedomosti, FierceFinance, L’Agefi, Fox Business News, CNBC U.S., and CNBC Africa.


“Investment Bank Monitoring and Bonding of Security Analysts' Research” (with V. Balashov and R. S. Hansen), 2018, Journal of Accounting and Economics, forthcoming.

“Can Analysts Pick Stocks for the Long Run?” (with R.S. Hansen and L. Ye) 2016. Journal of Financial Economics, 119 (2), 371-398.

“Are Analysts Informative to the General Public?”, (with V. Balashov and R. S. Hansen), 2013, Management Science, 59 (11), 2550-2565.

“On the Information Role of Analyst Recommendations” (with R. S. Hansen), 2009, Journal of Accounting and Economics, 48 (1), 17-36.

“Discounting and Underpricing in Seasoned Equity Offerings” (with R. S. Hansen), 2003, Journal of Financial Economics, 69, 285-323.

“Are There Economies of Scale in Underwriter Spreads? Evidence of Rising External Financing Costs” (with R. S. Hansen), 2000. Review of Financial Studies, 13 (no. 1), 191-218.


An Analyst's Actual Impact

Bank Analysts Pay For Negligence With Their Careers, Research Finds

Read the article : An Analyst's Actual Impact
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