Subra Tangirala Directory Page

Subra Tangirala

Subra Tangirala

Area Chair, Management and Organization

Dean’s Chair of Organizational Studies

PhD, Purdue University


4540 Van Munching Hall

Subra Tangirala is Dean's Chair of Organizational Studies. He teaches the leadership course in the MBA program. In his research, he explores reasons why employees often remain silent despite having information, concerns, or suggestions to share, and what organizations can do to facilitate candid exchange of ideas at the workplace. His research has been published in academic journals such as the Academy of Management Journal, Journal of Applied Psychology, Organizational Science, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, and Personnel Psychology. Tangirala received his PhD in organizational behavior and human resources from Purdue University. Prior to his doctoral studies, he worked for several years as a human resources manager.


Wu, J, Tangirala, S. & Zhang, P. (Forthcoming). When Voice Takes Destructive Rather Than Constructive Forms in Leader-Employee Dyads: A Power-Dependence Theory Perspective. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Park, H., Tangirala S., Ekkirala, S., & Sanaria, A (2024). Unnoticed Problems and Overlooked Opportunities: How and When Employees Fail to Speak Up Under Ambiguous Threats, Journal of Applied Psychology, 109 (10), 1571–1591.

Gajendran, R., Mistry, S., & Tangirala, S. (2024). Managing Your Boss (MYB) as a Proactive Followership Behavior: Construct Validation and Theory Development, Personnel Psychology. 77(2), 375-410.

Li, A. N., Sherf, E. N., & Tangirala, S. (2023) How Teams Recompile Capabilities Over Time After Disruptive Change: The Facilitating Roles of Equity and Equality Organization Science. 34 (3), 1287-1314.

Hussain, I., Tangirala, S., & Sherf E.N. (2023). Signaling Legitimacy: Why Mixed-Gender Coalitions Outperform Single-Gender Coalitions in Advocating for Gender Equity. Academy of Management Journal. 66 (4), 1233-1262.

Parke, M., Tangirala S., Sanaria, A., & Ekkirala, S. (2022). How Strategic Silence Enables Employee Voice to be Valued and Rewarded, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes. 173, 104-187.

Park, H., Tangirala S., Hussain, I., & Ekkirala, S. (2022). How and When Managers Reward Employees’ Voice: The Role of Proactivity Attributions. Journal of Applied Psychology. 107 (12), 2269–2284.

Yan, T., Tangirala, S., Vadera, A. K., & Ekkirala, S. (2022) How employees learn to speak up from their leaders: Gender congruity effects in the development of voice self-efficacy. Journal of Applied Psychology. 107, 650-667.

Li, A. N., & Tangirala, S. (2022) How employees’ voice helps teams remain resilient in the face of exogenous change. Journal of Applied Psychology. 107(4), 668–692

Li, A. N., & Tangirala, S. (2021). How voice emerges and develops in newly formed supervisor-employee dyads. Academy of Management Journal. 64, 614-642.

Parke, M., Tangirala S., & Hussain, I. (2021) Creating organizational citizens: How and when Supervisor- versus peer-led role interventions change organizational citizenship behavior. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 1714–1733.

Isaakyan, S., Sherf, E. N., Tangirala, S., & Guenter, H. (2021) Keeping it between us: Managerial endorsement of public versus private voice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 106, 1049-1066.

Sherf E. N., Tangirala S., & Venkataramani, V (2019). Why managers don’t seek voice from employees: The importance of managers’ personal control and long-term orientation. Organization Science, 30, 447-466.

Hussain, I., Shu, R., Tangirala, S., & Ekkirala, S (2019). The voice bystander effect: How information redundancy inhibits employee voice. Academy of Management Journal. 62, 828-849.

Shaw, J. D., Tangirala, S., Vissa, B., Rodell, J. B. (2018). New ways of seeing: Theory integration across disciplines. Academy of Management Journal, 61, 1-4.

Sherf E.N., Sinha, R., Tangirala, S., & Awasty, N (2018). Centralization of member voice in teams: Its effects on expertise utilization and team performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103, 813-827.

Parke, M. R., Weinhardt, J. M., Brodsky, A., Tangirala, S., DeVoe, S. (2018) When daily planning improves performance: The importance of planning type, engagement and interruptions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 103, 300-312.

Sherf, E. N., Tangirala, S., & Connealy-Weber, K. (2017). It is not my place! Psychological standing and men’s voice and participation in gender parity initiatives. Organization Science, 28(2), 193-210

Li, A.N., Liao, H., Tangirala, S., & Firth, B.M. (2017). The content of the message matters: The differential effects of promotive and prohibitive team voice on team productivity and safety performance gains. Journal of Applied Psychology. 102, 1259-1270.

Kakkar, H., Tangirala, S., Srivastava, N., & Kamdar, D (2016). The dispositional antecedents of promotive and prohibitive voice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 101, 1342-1351.

Liu, W., Tangirala, S., Lam, W., Chen, Z., Jia, R. T. & Huang, X (2015). How and when peers’ positive mood influences employees’ voice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 100, 976-989.

Tangirala, S., Kamdar, D., Venkataramani, V., & Parke, M (2013). Doing right versus getting ahead: The effects of duty and achievement orientations on employees’ voice. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, 1040-50.

Liu, W., Tangirala, S., & Ramanujam, R. (2013). The relational antecedents of voice targeted at different leaders. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98, 841-51.

Tangirala, S., & Ramanujam, R. (2012). Ask and you shall hear (But not always): An examination of the relationship between manager consultation and employee voice. Personnel Psychology, 65, 251-282.

Shapiro, D., Boss, A., Salas, S., Tangirala, S. & Von Glinow, M. A. (2011). When are transgressing leaders punitively judged? An empirical test. Journal of Applied Psychology, 96, 412-422.

Venkataramani, V., & Tangirala, S. (2010). When and why do central employees speak up? An examination of mediating and moderating variables. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95, 582-591.

Chen, G., Kirkman, B. L., Kim, K., Farh, C., & Tangirala, S. (2010). When does cross-cultural motivation enhance expatriate effectiveness? A multilevel investigation of the moderating roles of subsidiary support and cultural distance. Academy of Management Journal, 53, 1110-1130.

Tangirala, S., & Ramanujam, R. (2008). Exploring non-linearity in employee voice: The effects of personal control and organizational identification. Academy of Management Journal, 51, 1189-1203.

Tangirala, S., & Ramanujam, R. (2008). Employee silence on critical work issues: The cross-level effects of procedural justice climate. Personnel Psychology, 61, 37-68.

Tangirala, S., Green, S., & Ramanujam, R. (2007). In the Shadow of the Boss's Boss: Effects of Supervisors' Upward Exchange Relationships on Employees. Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 309-320.

Alge, B. J., Ballinger, G. A., Tangirala, S., & Oakley, J. (2006). Information privacy in organizations: Empowering creative and extra-role performance. Journal of Applied Psychology, 91, 221-232.

Tangirala, S., & Alge, B. J. (2006). Reactions to unfair events in computer-mediated groups: A test of uncertainty management theory. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 100, 1-20.


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