Vijaya Venkataramani Directory Page

Vijaya Venkataramani

Vijaya Venkataramani

Dean's Professor of Leadership and Innovation

Ph.D., Purdue University


4544 Van Munching Hall

Vijaya Venkataramani is Dean's Professor of Leadership and Innovation at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. She is a former Associate Editor at the Journal of Applied Psychology. Professor Venkataramani’s research focuses on creativity and innovation in organizations, especially understanding how informal social relationships and social networks at work enable employees’ ability to develop and implement creative ideas. Her recent research has focused on exploring why, although employees may have new ideas, these ideas often go unheard, unrecognized or even prematurely rejected by their managers, and how both employees and managers can address this. Her research has appeared in such journals as the Academy of Management Journal, Organization Science, Journal of Applied Psychology, Personnel Psychology and Organizational Behavior & Human Decision Processes.

Vijaya received her Ph.D. in organizational behavior and human resources from Purdue University in 2008. Prior to her doctoral studies, she worked in India as a human resources manager. She is an award-winning researcher and teacher and the recipient of the Distinguished Scholar Teacher Award from the University of Maryland.

Selected Publications

Venkataramani, V., Lu, S., Bartol, K., Zheng, X. & Ni, D. (Forthcoming). Seeing Value in Novelty: Manager and Employee Social Networks as Keys in Managers' Idea Evaluation and Implementation Decisions. Journal of Applied Psychology.

Yan, T.T., Venkataramani, V., Tang, C. & Hirst, G. (Forthcoming). Navigating Inter-Team Competition: How Information Broker Teams Achieve Team Innovation. Journal of Applied Psychology. 

Venkataramani, V., Derfler-Rozin, R., Liu, X., & Mao. J. (Forthcoming). Keep Off My Turf! Low Status Managers’ Territoriality as a Response to Employees’ Novel Ideas. Organization Science.

Venkataramani, V. , & Tang, C. (Forthcoming). When Does External Knowledge Benefit Team Creativity? The Role of Internal Team Network Structure and Task Complexity. Organization Science.

Foulk, T.A., Venkataramani, V., Cao, R. & Krishnan, S. (2022). Thinking outside the box helps build social connections: the role of creative mindsets in reducing daily rudeness. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 171, 104-167.

Venkataramani, V., Bartol, K. M., Zheng, X., Lu, S., & Liu, X. (2022). Not very competent but connected: Leaders’ use of employee social networks as prisms to make delegation decisions. Journal of Applied Psychology, 107(3), 458–480.

Sherf, E.N., Tangirala, S., & Venkataramani, V. (2019). Why Managers Don’t Seek Voice from Employees: The Importance of Managers’ Personal Control and Long-Term Orientation. Organization Science, 30(3), 447-646.

Sherf, E. N., Venkataramani, V., & Gajendran, R. S. (2019). Too busy to be fair? The effect of workload and rewards on managers’ justice rule adherence. Academy of Management Journal, 62 (2), 1-20.

Lu, S., Bartol, K., & Venkataramani, V., Zheng, X. & Liu, X. (2019). Pitching Novel Ideas to the Boss: The Interactive Effects of Employees’ Idea Enactment and Influence Tactics on Creativity Assessment and Implementation. Academy of Management Journal, 62(2), 579-606.

Grosser, T., Venkataramani, V., & Labianca. (2017). An alter-centric perspective on employee innovation: The importance of alters' creative self-efficacy and network structure. Journal of Applied Psychology, 102 (9): 1360-1374.

Venkataramani, V, Zhou, L., Wang, M. & Liao, H. (2016). Social Networks and Employee Voice: The Influence of Team Members' and Team Leaders' Social Network Positions on Employee Voice. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 132, 37-48.

Sherf, E. & Venkataramani, V. (2015). Friend or Foe? The impact of affective social relationships in forming judgments of fairness. Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes, 128(1), 1–14. doi:10.1016/j.obhdp.2015.02.002.

Venkataramani, V., & Richter, A. & Clarke, R. (2014). Creative Benefits from Well-Connected Leaders? Leader Social Network Ties as Facilitators of Employee Radical Creativity. Journal of Applied Psychology, 99 (5), 966-975.

Venkataramani, V., Labianca, G, L., & Grosser, T (2013). Positive and Negative Workplace Relationships, Social Satisfaction, and Organizational Attachment. Journal of Applied Psychology, 98(6), 1028-1039.

Venkataramani, V., Green, S.G., & Schleicher, D.J. (2010). Well-Connected Leaders: The impact of the leader’s social network ties on LMX and Member Attitudes. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95(6), 1071-1084.

Venkataramani, V., & Tangirala, S. (2010). When and Why Do Central Employees Speak Up? An Examination of Mediating and Moderating Variables. Journal of Applied Psychology, 95, 582-591.

Venkataramani, V. & Dalal, R.S. (2007). Who Helps and Harms Whom? Relational antecedents of interpersonal helping and harming in organizations.  Journal of Applied Psychology, 92, 952-966.



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