Waverly Ding Directory Page

Waverly Ding

Waverly Ding

Associate Professor

PhD, University of Chicago

Waverly Ding is Associate Professor of Management & Organization at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business. Dr. Ding earned her MBA and Ph.D. in business from the University of Chicago. Prior to joining the Smith School faculty, she was an assistant professor at the Haas School of Business, at the University of California at Berkeley.

Dr. Ding’s research focuses on high-tech entrepreneurship and strategy, knowledge transfer between universities and industrial firms, and the U.S. biotech industry. She has also conducted research relating to labor force in science and technology. Her work has been published in Science, American Journal of Sociology, Management Science, Journal of Industrial Economics, and Research Policy.

Google Scholar Page

Primary Research Areas

  • Entrepreneurship
  • Technology strategy
  • Innovation
  • Labor productivity in science and technology

Grants and Awards

  • National Science Foundation, #2419996, “A Novel Measure of Organizational Engagement with ESG Based on 2008-2023 Job Postings Data in the U.S.” $349,237, 10/1/20224-9/30/2027.
  • General Research Fund, Project#11611021, “Balancing authoritarian innovation and accountability: An empirical study on the dual-track of patent intellectual property right protection in China (1986-2020)”. 763,831 HKD, 01/01/2022 – 31/12/2024
  • The Kauffman Foundation Knowledge Challenge Grant, $91,985, 2019-2021
  • Kenan Institute Frontiers of Entrepreneurship Research Grant, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, $10,000, 2018-2019
  • Batten Fellowship, Batten Institute, Darden School of Business, University of Virginia, $10,000, 2017-2018
  • University of Maryland Research and Scholarship Award, Summer 2017, with Debra Shapiro, $9000
  • NSF EAGER Grant #1550727 “Gender Differences in the Job Mobility and Earnings of U.S. Scientists and Engineers,” $50,000, 2015-2016.
  • National Science Foundation of China Grant #71472010 “Venture Capital Industry in China”, 2014-2017, RMB 630,000
  • Kauffman Foundation Junior Faculty Fellowship in Entrepreneurship Research, 2009-2011 (one of the five inaugural recipients selected among entrepreneurship researchers in the U.S.)
  • UC Berkeley Haas School of Business Schwabacher Award, 2008-2009
  • Kauffman Foundation Entrepreneurship Research Mini-Grant, 2007-2009
  • UC Berkeley Regents’ Junior Faculty Fellowship, 2006
  • Kauffman Foundation Emerging Scholars Initiative Dissertation Research Grant, 2002
  • International Peace Scholarship, P.E.O. Foundation, 1998 & 2000

Professional Service

  • National Science Foundation panelist
  • Associate Editor (2015-current), Management Science
  • Advisory Editor (2006-present), Research Policy

Published and In-Progress Works

  • Liu, Christopher, Waverly W. Ding, Young-Kyu Kim, Beril Yalcinkaya, 2024. “Not All Brokerage Yields Benefits: Brokerage Subtypes and Performance in Scientific Networks.” Working paper.
  • Sun, Xiaoyan, Xuanli Xie, Waverly W. Ding. 2024. “The Internet and the Gender Gap in EntrepreneurshipJournal of Business Venturing 39(5).
  • Ding, Waverly W., Anil Gupta, Beril Yalcinkaya, Jon Norberg and Evan Schnidman. “Strategies for Capability Building in Young Technology Firms.” Working paper.
  • Yalcinkaya, Beril & Waverly W. Ding. 2024. “Abortion Restriction Laws and Mobility of Biomedical Scientists.” Working paper.
  • Ding, Waverly W., Christopher Liu, Andy Back, Beril Yalcinkaya. “Advisor-Advisee Research Overlap and Its Implications for Scientists’ Early-Career Funding Performance”, Under 2nd round review at Organization Science.
  • Ding, Waverly W. and Gupta, Anil and Samila, Sampsa, How Generalized and Particularized Trust Shape Inter-Organizational Relations (SSRN, 2024).
  • Ding, Waverly W., Christopher C. Liu, Marta Villamor Martin. 2024. “Origins of Ideas and Entrepreneurs: Academic Entrepreneurs and Inventors”, in De Gruyter Handbook of Sociology of Innovation and Entrepreneurship, eds. by Olav Sorenson and Patricia H. Thornton. Forthcoming. 
  • Liu, Christopher*, Andy Back, Beril Yalcinkaya, Waverly W. Ding*. 2024. “Gender Diversity’s Different Impact on Junior versus Senior Biomedical Scientists’ NIH Research Awards.” Nature Biotechnology, 42: 815-819.
  • Lin, Fen, Waverly W. Ding, Shi Chen. 2024. “The Patent Gold Rush? An Empirical Study of Patent Bubbles in Chinese Universities (1990-2019),” Journal of Technology Transfer. (Publisher site)
  • Ding, Waverly W., Hyeun J. Lee, Debra L. Shapiro. 2023. “Are Entrepreneurs Penalized during Job Searches? It Depends on Who is Hiring?Strategic Entrepreneurship Journal, 17:713-740.
  • Ding, Waverly W., Atsushi Ohyama, Rajshree Agarwal. 2021.“Where is the Promised Land? Trends in Gender Pay Gaps of Scientists and Engineers in Academia and Industry.” Nature Biotechnology, 39(8):1019-1024 (DOI: 10.1038/s41587-021-01008-0). (STATA codes: data prep codes, regression codes)
  • Cui, Victor, Ding, Waverly W., Yanadori, Yoshio. 2019. “Exploration versus exploitation in technology firms: The role of compensation structure for R&D workforce.” Research Policy, 28(6): 1534-1549.
  • Ding, Waverly W., Fiona Murray, Toby E. Stuart. 2013. “From Bench to Board: Gender Differences in University Scientists’ Participation in Corporate Scientific Advisory Boards.” Academy of Management Journal, 56(5): 1443-1464.
  • Ding, Waverly W. 2011. “The Impact of Founders’ Professional Education Background on the Adoption of Open Science by For-Profit Biotechnology Firms.” Management Science, 57(2): 257-273.
  • Ding, Waverly W. and Emily Choi. 2011. “Divergent Paths to Commercial Science: A Comparison of Scientists’ Founding and Advising Activities.” Research Policy, 40: 69-80.
  • Ding, Waverly W., Sharon G. Levin, Paula E. Stephan, and Anne E. Winkler. 2010. “The Impact of Information Technology on Scientists’ Productivity, Quality and Collaboration Patterns.” Management Science, 56(9): 1439-1461.
  • Azoulay, Pierre, Waverly W. Ding and Toby E. Stuart. 2009. “The Impact of Academic Patenting on the Rate, Quality and Direction of (Public) Research Output.” Journal of Industrial Economics, 57(4): 637-676.
  • Elfenbein, Hillary Anger, Noah Eisenkraft and Waverly W. Ding. 2009. “Do we know who values us? Dyadic meta-accuracy in the perception of professional relationships.” Psychological Science, 20: 1081-1083.
  • Azoulay, Pierre, Waverly W. Ding and Toby E. Stuart. 2007. “The Determinants of Faculty Patenting Behavior: Demographics or Opportunities?” Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, 63: 599-623.
    Reprinted in Recent Developments in the Economics of Science and Innovation, ed. by A.N. Link, and C. Antonelli, 2013.
  • Stuart, Toby E., Salih Z. Ozdemir and Waverly W. Ding. 2007. “Vertical Alliance Network: the Case of University-Biotechnology-Pharmaceutical Alliance Chains.” Research Policy, 36: 477-498.
  • Ding, Waverly W., Fiona Murray and Toby E. Stuart. 2006. “Gender Differences in Patenting in the Academic Life Sciences.” Science, 313(5787): 665-667.
  • Stuart, Toby E. and Waverly W. Ding. 2006. “When Do Scientists Become Entrepreneurs? — The Social Structural Antecedents of Commercial Activity in the Academic Life Sciences.” American Journal of Sociology, 112(1): 97-144. Reprinted in Management of Innovation and Entrepreneurship (2009), 4: 1-35.



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Academic Publications

“Gender Diversity’s Different Impact on Junior versus Senior Biomedical Scientists’ NIH Research Awards,” published in Nature Biotechnology

We analyzed funding patterns of 2.3 million NIH grants distributed among biomedical scientists in the U.S. universities from 1985 to 2017 to present new evidence that as the biomedical research communities become more gender-diversified, women scientists as a whole gain more grant resources. However, these additional resources are distributed unevenly. We find that more resources flow to senior than to junior women scientists. By unearthing within-group inequality in science funding and careers, we highlight a new mechanism explaining the disadvantages faced by younger generations of women scientists. Importantly, this mechanism may have been obscured against the backdrop of advances in overall funding for women biomedical scientists.

Waverly Ding (Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland); Christopher C. Liu (Lundquist College of Business, University of Oregon), Beril Yalcinkaya (PhD candidate, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland), Andy S. Back (The University of Hong Kong)

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