Wilbur Chung Directory Page

Wilbur Chung
Associate Professor
Ph.D., University of Michigan
Research Interests: Location strategy, micro-geography, and foreign direct investment.
Professor Chung teaches at the undergraduate, master’s, and PhD levels. His research examines location strategy and foreign direct investment. One stream of his research examines firms’ geographic collocation at a regional level, driven by agglomeration economies and congestion costs. A second stream examines location strategy for economic actors at a more micro level, within agglomerations – shopping malls, trade shows, retailing districts. A third stream examines foreign direct investment expansion behavior as a function of heterogeneity in firms’ geographic origins and firms’ capabilities. His research appears in Management Science, Strategic Management Journal, Journal of Economics and Management Strategy, Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization, Journal of International Business Studies, and Advances in Strategic Management. He's served as an Associate Editor at the Strategic Management Journal.
Chung joined Maryland after a couple years at Wharton and several years at the Stern School at NYU. He completed his Ph.D. at the University of Michigan in 1997. He also holds his MBA and a BS in mechanical engineering from Carnegie Mellon. He has worked as an aerospace engineer and in program management in the automotive industry.

A Smith Researcher Finds Location Has Much to Do With Retail Survival
Professor Chung teaches at the undergraduate, master’s, and PhD levels. For undergraduates, he teaches the international business major’s core course BMGT392 “Intro to International Business Management”. For master’s students, he teaches the full-time MBA core course BMGT626 “Global Economic Environment”. For PhD students, he teaches the seminar “Economics of International Business”.
Professor Chung has received the Smith School’s Distinguished Teaching Award almost every year since his arrival at Smith in 2004 and won the school’s Krowe Teaching Award in 2014.
- Demand Agglomeration Economies, Neighbor Heterogeneity, and Firm Survival: The Effect of HHGregg’s Bankruptcy (with Siddhartha Sharma), Strategic Management Journal, forthcoming.
- Applying Random Coefficient Models to Strategy Research: Identifying and Exploring Firm Heterogeneous Effects (with Juan Alcacer, Ashton Hawk and Goncalo Pancheco-de-Almeida) Strategy Science. 3(3): 533-553. 2018.
- Location Strategies and Agglomeration Economies (with Juan Alcacer) Strategic Management Journal. 35(12): 1749-1761. 2014.
- Benefiting from Location: Knowledge Seeking - commentary (with Juan Alcacer). Global Strategy Journal 1(1/2): 132-134. 2011.
- International Knowledge Sourcing: Evidence from US Firms Expanding Abroad (with Stephen Yeaple) Strategic Management Journal 29(11): 1207-1224. 2008.
- Location Strategies and Knowledge Spillovers (with Juan Alcacer) Management Science 53(5):760-776. 2007.
- Social Capital, Geography, and the Survival: Gujarati Immigrant Entrepreneurs in the U.S. Lodging Industry (with Arturs Kalnins) Management Science 52(2):233-247. 2006.
- Resource-Seeking Agglomeration: A Study of Market Entry in the Lodging Industry (with Arturs Kalnins) Strategic Management Journal 25(7): 689-699. 2004.
- Sequential Investment, Firm Motives and Agglomeration of Japanese Electronics Firms in the US (with Jaeyong Song) Journal of Economics and Management Strategy 13(3): 539-560. 2004.
- Foreign Direct Investment and Host Country Productivity (with Will Mitchell and Bernard Yeung) Journal of International Business Studies 34(2): 199-218. 2003.
- Knowledge Seeking and Location Choice of Foreign Direct Investment in the United States (with Juan Alcacer) Management Science 48(12): 1534-1554. 2002.
- Mode, Size, and Location of Foreign Direct Investments and Industry Price Mark-up Journal of Economic Behavior and Organization 45(2): 187-213. 2001.
- Agglomeration Effects and Performance: Test of the Texas Hospitality Industry (with Arturs Kalnins) Strategic Management Journal 22(10): 969-997. 2001.
- Identifying Technology Transfer in Foreign Direct Investment: Influence of Industry Conditions and Investing Firm Motives Journal of International Business Studies 32(2): 211-229. 2001.
- Ethnic Links, Location Choice and Performance: A Test of the Rural Motel Industry (with Arturs Kalnins) Advances in Strategic Management 18: 31-51. 2001.