Campus Liberty Tour

Pathways to Personal Prosperity and Achieving Your Dreams: Government Programs or Free Enterprise

Secure your seat! This event is part of a nationwide debate tour featuring Charles Payne, host of "Making Money" on Fox Business Network and Bakari Sellers, CNN Political Commentator. Their discussion will be moderated by Tom Rogan of the Washington Examiner and Steamboat Institute Tony Blankley Fellow. This event is free to the public, but registration is required to guarantee a seat.

Debate attendees will be asked to consider the following question: What is the best pathway to unlock opportunities for Americans to achieve their dreams? 

A) Primarily through private-sector job creation, removing unnecessary government red tape that destroys innovations. 

B) Primarily through government safety net programs, protecting consumers from toxic corporations.

C) Only government programs.

D) Only private sector business, religious and private charity groups.




Edward St John Teaching and Learning Center
4131 Campus Drive, Room 0202
College Park, MD 20742


Caitlin Stiffler

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