Equity & Social Justice Reading Series

Featuring La Profesora

LATINX intelligentsia. Uplifting Latinx/a/o Communities in Higher Education.  Black Background with a red and gray graduate cap.  The Graduate School's Equity & Social Justice Reading Series brings graduate students and postdoctoral scholars into conversation with work being done by Maryland faculty across disciplines that addresses diversity, inclusion, equity, and social justice.

This month, we'll be joined by the College of Education’s Prof. Michelle Espino, known to the audience of her podcast "Latinx Intelligentsia" as La Profesora. We'll discuss her podcast, its impact, and the work involved in doing it. To prepare, listen instead of reading! We recommend two episodes in particular, "Lifting as We Climb" (on mentorship) and "Ethical Chisme Rooted in Queer Radical Love".







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