The Latina/o/x Graduation Celebration is a commemoration that recognizes Latina/o/x graduates at the University of Maryland. The purpose of the celebration is to highlight the success and achievements of Latina/o/x graduates as well as to establish an institutionally-acknowledged cultural space at the University of Maryland. Since the first graduation celebration in May 2004, the number of Latina/o/x graduates has steadily increased.
The goal of the commencement ceremony is three-fold:
- Acknowledge the successes of Fall and Spring Latinas/os/xs graduates at the University of Maryland.
- Motivate and encourage future Latina/o/x Terrapins to reach degree attainment at the Baccalaureate, Masters, and Doctorate level.
- Pay homage to those individuals, including family, friends, faculty, staff, and administrators, who have assisted our students to reach their degree.
Stamp Student Union, Grand Ballroom