Quarantine Yourself, Not Your Business

The Maryland Department of Commerce ExportMD Program helps offset some of the costs of marketing internationally for Maryland small and mid-sized companies, including website globalization and translation. ExportMD awardees are eligible for up to $5,000 for ⅔ reimbursement for expenses. 
The program is funded in part through a Cooperative Agreement with the SBA.

Topics included in this program:
- Website Globalization: Phased Approach and Simple Enhancements (do’s and don’ts)
- Internationalization and Localization
- Translating Your Website
- Proactive Promotion (Search Engine Optimization)
- Funding for website globalization (ExportMD program)

This is a free webinar but registration is required to receive invitation. 
Please note that this event will be recorded. By participating on this webinar, you consent to the recording and distribution of this webinar.

Panelist(s) Info:

Colleen Fisher
Director, Baltimore Export Assistance Center
U.S. Commercial Service
U.S. Department of Commerce

Jessica Reynolds
Sr. Director
Maryland Department of Commerce






This event is hosted by the Center for Global Business at Maryland Smith, a member of the MAPIT Alliance.




Santiago Luna


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