Victor Mullins, associate dean of the undergraduate program at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, recently interviewed Smith Freshman Rebecca Bitar ’20 to discuss how she is “building her brand” during her Smith journey.
So what does the Smith journey entail? During their freshman year, Smith students begin to build their personal brand through the SmithStart program. Sophomores dedicate their second year to pioneering their path to success by focusing on an overall academic and career strategy. Junior year focuses on students taking command of their careers during to ensure that they are well positioned for their professional journey. Finally, as a senior with an arsenal of tools, knowledge and networks, Smith students are able to embrace their experience and celebrate their success.
Dean Mullins: Reflect on how you are “building your brand” during your freshmen year. I do recognize that that you are in your first semester.
Rebecca: Building your brand as a freshman can be huge to tackle, especially because starting college is such a radical adjustment. The important thing, however, is to put yourself out there. If no one knows who you are, no one will know your brand. For my freshman year, I put myself out there by joining as many clubs and organizations as I could. I joined the Accounting & Business Association (ABA), as well as the Association of Latino Professionals in Finance & Accounting (ALPFA). Because I joined these clubs, I was able to branch out even more by networking with the companies who came to speak at the meetings. Building your brand also means expanding your network, and it is important to start as early as possible, even in your freshman year.
Dean Mullins: What advice would you give to fellow Smith peers?
Rebecca: Keep your head up! For everyone, there will be several occasions where you will be told “no,” whether it is to get admitted to a special program, or at a career fair when recruiters tell you they aren’t looking for freshmen. Stay positive, and keep trying. The key is to not settle with “no”—you have to stay motivated. There are several opportunities out there, ripe for the picking, and when the right one comes along, you will hear the word “yes.”
Dean Mullins: How are you making your mark on campus?
Rebecca: The best way to make your mark on campus is by being involved, which is exactly what I did. I am already a Business, Society, and Economy Scholar, but after joining ABA and ALPFA, I decided that I wanted to do more in the business school, do I joined other programs that would help me in my academic and professional careers. Recently, I was admitted to the Sophomore Wall Street Fellows program, but I do not plan to stop there. Over the next few years, once my Fellows program comes to an end, I will search for more opportunities and organizations that will help me grow into the professional I want to be, whether it be socially, academically, or with networking.
Dean Mullins: What is your dream?
Rebecca: I hope to one day be successful and happy. Success is not defined by how much money you make, but by how comfortable and proud you are of what you have accomplished. I dream of having a career in which I can wake up every day with a smile on my face. I dream of making a positive impact in my career. I dream of being someone I am proud of.
Dean Mullins: Why are you passionate about the Smith School?
Rebecca: I am passionate about the enormous amount of opportunities and resources that are offered at Smith. There is something for everyone! The Smith School of Business wants its students to succeed, and I can feel the advisors and staff rooting for me and my peers. From the Office of Career Services, to the 25+ organizations associated with SUSA, there is something that everyone can participate and grow. With the chances I was given to network with different companies, I was able to land an internship at EY this summer. I introduced myself to one of the company’s employees at the Smith Leadership Institute in late August, and from there I was connected to EY’s campus recruiter, who helped me with the application process. I could not have done this without the support from my peers at Smith, and for that I am incredibly grateful.
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About the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business
The Robert H. Smith School of Business is an internationally recognized leader in management education and research. One of 12 colleges and schools at the University of Maryland, College Park, the Smith School offers undergraduate, full-time and flex MBA, executive MBA, online MBA, business master’s, PhD and executive education programs, as well as outreach services to the corporate community. The school offers its degree, custom and certification programs in learning locations in North America and Asia.