
June 14, 2017
Driving Uber: What's Next with the CEO On Leave?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – What happens to a company when a CEO takes a leave of absence?

It's a question Uber Technologies must now face, as chief executive Travis Kalanick begins a hiatus of unspecified length from the $68 billion ride-hailing company he co-founded.

Read News Story : Driving Uber: What's Next with the CEO On Leave?
June 14, 2017
Why There's Turbulence Around Privatizing Air Traffic Control

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – It's an idea that has, at various points, had support from both major political parties. And it's already been done in many major industrialized countries. So what's so difficult about privatizing air traffic control here in the United States?

Read News Story : Why There's Turbulence Around Privatizing Air Traffic Control
June 13, 2017
CIBER Awards 2017 PhD Research Award to Che-Wei Liu

The Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the University of Maryland is pleased to announce that Che-Wei Liu is the recipient of the 2017 CIBER PhD Research Award. CIBER supports PhD development as one of its four main pillars and the Center awarded Liu $4,000 to help fund his research.

Read News Story : CIBER Awards 2017 PhD Research Award to Che-Wei Liu
June 13, 2017
Is Lunch With Warren Buffett Worth Millions?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Why would someone fork over a couple of million dollars just to sit down for a meal with Warren Buffett?

Read News Story : Is Lunch With Warren Buffett Worth Millions?
June 12, 2017
The Hidden Costs of Not Taking Vacations

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – Americans are known to be good at many things. Vacationing isn't one of them.

Year after year, workplace surveys reveal that millions of American workers failed to take their allotted vacation days. And increasingly, the overriding reason is fear.

Read News Story : The Hidden Costs of Not Taking Vacations
June 9, 2017
Stop Bottling Your Emotions At Work

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – All those emotions you've been bottling up in the workplace in the interest of projecting a professional image? You might have been better off letting some of them fly free.

Read News Story : Stop Bottling Your Emotions At Work
June 8, 2017
Need Help “Managing Motherhood”?

Juggling a career and home life is often complicated. Smith management and organization lecturer Nicole Coomber has figured out how to apply business principles to managing her own career and family – and now she has outlined some of the most effective tools to help you, too.

Read News Story : Need Help “Managing Motherhood”?
June 6, 2017
Smith Staff Attend NACE Competency Symposium

During a sunny late spring day on the campus of Clemson University, a cross-departmental team from the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business attended the 2017 NACE Competency Symposium, sponsored by Clemson University and the University of Tampa.

Read News Story : Smith Staff Attend NACE Competency Symposium
June 6, 2017
A Look at Barron's 'Most-Respected Companies'

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Four of the top five companies in Barron's 2017 listing of the most-respected publicly traded firms in the United States share a common trait.

Read News Story : A Look at Barron's 'Most-Respected Companies'
June 6, 2017
Tori Shay: On the Move

Smith Undergrad Staff Spotlight Tori Shay, Academic Advisor, Undergraduate Programs

Read News Story : Tori Shay: On the Move
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