
March 31, 2017
Fearless Idea 31: Quantify the Power of Reputation

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — People who share copyrighted content on digital piracy sites don’t get paid or protected from lawsuits. So why do they do it? “The major motivation is building reputation in these online communities,” says Kalinda Ukanwa, one of 34 women PhD candidates at the University of Maryland’s Robert H.

Read News Story : Fearless Idea 31: Quantify the Power of Reputation
March 30, 2017
Fearless Idea 30: Leverage Your Bargaining Power

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — The daily deal industry — Groupon and like companies working with small retailers to give big discounts, irregularly — had its heyday in the wake of the Great Recession.

Read News Story : Fearless Idea 30: Leverage Your Bargaining Power
March 30, 2017
Melissa Horovitz '18 Discusses Emerging CFOs Fellows Program

Victor Mullins, associate dean of the undergraduate program at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, recently interviewed  Melissa Horovitz ’18 to discuss his/her involvement with Emerging CFOs  Fellows Program and how it is part of her SMITH JOURNEY. 

Read News Story : Melissa Horovitz '18 Discusses Emerging CFOs Fellows Program
March 30, 2017
Ask for More, Finance Executives Tell Women

Women starting their careers need to speak up and take more risks, two female executives in the finance industry told students at a NewDay USA Leadership Forum on March 27, 2017, at the University of Maryland’s Robert H.

Read News Story : Ask for More, Finance Executives Tell Women
March 29, 2017
C-BERC’s Gideon Mark Publishes Article

In October 2016, C-BERC’s Associate Director Gideon Mark, associate professor of logistics, business and public policy at the University of Maryland’s Robert H.

Read News Story : C-BERC’s Gideon Mark Publishes Article
March 29, 2017
Winners and Losers in Google's Widening Ad Crisis

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — With Google gripped by a spiraling ad boycott as companies protest having their content posted alongside extremist YouTube videos, the search giant's competitors might be spotting an opportunity. Already a fresh focus has turned to the "upfronts," the annual New York City ritual in which TV

Read News Story : Winners and Losers in Google's Widening Ad Crisis
March 29, 2017
Fearless Idea 29: Rethink Online Shopping Carts

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Have you ever filled your virtual cart while shopping online only to leave it without completing the purchase?

Read News Story : Fearless Idea 29: Rethink Online Shopping Carts
March 29, 2017
Is a Lack of Sleep Crushing the Economy?


Read News Story : Is a Lack of Sleep Crushing the Economy?
March 28, 2017
Melissa Fellman '18 Discusses Strategic Design and Innovation Fellows Program

Victor Mullins, associate dean of the undergraduate program at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, recently interviewed Melissa Fellman ’18 to discuss her involvement with Strategic Design and Innovation Fellows and how it is part of her Smith journey.

Read News Story : Melissa Fellman '18 Discusses Strategic Design and Innovation Fellows Program
March 28, 2017
Successful Entrepreneur and Author Jeff Hoffman Comes to Smith through Dingman Center Speaker Series

The Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship is pleased to announce that noted entrepreneur and speaker Jeff Hoffman will be speaking at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business on April 20, 2017, as part of its Dingman Center Speaker Series.

Read News Story : Successful Entrepreneur and Author Jeff Hoffman Comes to Smith through Dingman Center Speaker Series
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