A new year brings a fresh start, a full slate of 365 days to work on improving oneself in one way or another. Ten Smith professors are sharing their New Year’s resolutions:
Tejwansh (Tej) Singh Anand, Clinical Professor of Practice and the Academic Director for the MS in Information Systems Programs
“Find innovative ways to propel myself and my students Fearlessly Forward.”
Joe Bailey, Interim Associate Dean of Undergraduate Programs and Associate Research Professor
“My New Year’s resolution is to perform a random act of kindness each week.”
Hank Boyd, Clinical Professor of Marketing
“As a self-avowed workaholic, I will endeavor to spend more time unwinding and enjoying the good things in life.”
Nicole Coomber, Assistant Dean of the Full-Time MBA Program and Associate Clinical Professor
“I don’t set New Year’s resolutions. I determine six to eight goals for the year (a combination of habit goals and achievement goals), and I tackle two of them per quarter. This creates a more urgent 12-week time frame where I can focus on what is important in that window. I haven’t set the goals for Q1 of 2023, but will be doing that after I ‘rest and digest’ from 2022.”
Philip T. Evers, Assistant Dean of Undergraduate Academic Affairs and Associate Professor of Supply Chain Management
“My resolution is to work more efficiently and effectively – in other words, continuous improvement.”
Anil Gupta, Michael D. Dingman Chair in Strategy and Entrepreneurship
“Stay committed to the old adage: 1% inspiration, 99% perspiration.”
P.K. Kannan, Dean’s Chair in Marketing Science and Associate Dean for Strategic Initiatives
“My New Year’s resolution is to stay up-to-date on technology developments and trends by setting aside at least two hours every week for research and learning. As technology continues to play an increasingly critical role in business, it’s important for academics and practitioners to stay informed and adaptable.”
Amna Kirmani, Ralph J. Tyser Professor of Marketing
“To be more grateful now that Argentina has won the World Cup!”
Oliver Schlake, Clinical Professor
“If you feel like writing an email with a complaint, blame, protest or negative comment, never write in the name of the recipient while you are crafting it. Put the name in when you are finished. Even better, wait 24 hours before you send it. I learned this in the German Army where you can write a complaint, etc., but nobody will accept it before the cooldown period of 24 hours.”
Evan Starr, Associate Professor of Management & Organization
“This year I’m starting off with a semester-long sabbatical, so I’m committing to reading more broadly and to giving myself space to reflect on where I want the next several years of research and teaching to go.”
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