Risk Matters: Cyber Risk and AI – The Changing Landscape
Cyber risk is a top concern for organizations worldwide, intensified by AI's dual role in bolstering defenses and enhancing attacks. The Gordon-Loeb Model offers a cost-benefit framework to optimize cybersecurity investments, emphasizing AI's evolving, game-theoretic complexities.
Risk Matters: Killer Bees, Black Swans and Gray Rhinos
Risk events often deemed "unprecedented" are typically extreme iterations of past occurrences, argues Clifford Rossi, Professor of the Practice and Director of the Smith Enterprise Risk Consortium. Comparing these to “Killer Bees,” he emphasizes proactive risk management, urging organizations to anticipate and mitigate low-probability, high-severity scenarios with robust strategies and resources.
Risk Matters: The Case for Enterprise Risk Management in Higher Education
Poor risk management practices eventually come back to haunt those organizations that fail to take a broad and proactive view at managing risk.
Risk Matters: Where Models and Cognitive Bias Collide
Risk decisions often falter due to cognitive biases, underdeveloped decision-making processes, and overreliance on models. Clifford Rossi argues that robust frameworks and balanced decision structures are essential to navigate uncertainty effectively and mitigate poor risk outcomes.
Risk Matters: Stabilizing Homeowners Insurance via a Private-Public Capital Market Solution
Clifford Rossi argues that the homeowners insurance market is unraveling due to rising natural disaster risks. He proposes a government-sponsored entity to centralize hazard insurance, improving risk management and financial stability.