Valeant No Enron; Stock Market Overreacting says Smith Expert

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- Valeant Pharmaceuticals’ stock dive, after short-selling resea

Deutsche Bank ‘Cleaning Slate’ for $7B Loss

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- Europe’s biggest investment bank is bracing for a near-$7 billion third-quarter loss, and the fallout is taking shape.

Listen to CFP Experts Make Sense of Volatile Markets

The Center for Financial Policy at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business recently staged a Global Market Volatility Forum.Finance students filled a Van Munching Hall conference room on Sept.

Global Market Volatility: What's Going On?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- The Center for Financial Policy at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business hosted a forum on Global Market Volatility on Sept. 8, 2015, aimed at making sense of the recent tumult in international markets — notably in China, but also spilling over into other regions, including the United States.

China Turmoil Spreads; Volatility the New Norm

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- After August marked the Dow’s worst month, September opened with U.S.

Will the Fed Raise Interest Rates? Albert 'Pete' Kyle

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Albert “Pete” Kyle is the Charles E. Smith Chair Professor of Finance at the Robert H.

Will the Fed Raise Interest Rates? Kristen Fanarakis

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Kristen Fanarakis is the assistant director of the Center for Financial Policy at the Robert H. Smith School of Business.

Will the Fed Raise Interest Rates? William Longbrake

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — William Longbrake is Executive in Residence at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, and senior policy advisor at the school’s Center for Financial Policy. Q: What is the likelihood that the Fed will raise rates in September? If it does raise rates, by how much will it do so?

Now on Sale! China’s Yuan

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- Think of China like Walmart and the country’s recent currency devaluation like a price-slashing sale.

High Frequency Trading: Focus on ‘Troll Under Bridge’

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- High-frequency traders provide a useful service but rig the system when they extract tolls from investors, a professor from the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business said this week during a financial regulation conference in Australia.

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