Key Takeaways after Modi's Trip to D.C.

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – When Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited with President Donald Trump this week, much of the coverage was about the Rose Garden handshake-turned-hug.

The Trouble With Trump's Cuba Plan

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – When President Donald Trump slapped new restrictions on travel and trade with Cuba, he didn't exactly bar U.S. citizens from traveling to Cuba, but he did make it clear that their journeys cannot support the Cuban government, particularly its military.

UMD CIBER Builds Bridges with Businesses and Professionals in Cuba

Fifteen participants from colleges and universities throughout the United States traveled to Cuba from May 21-28, 2017, with the University of Maryland’s Center for International Business Education and Research (UMD CIBER).

10 Business Books for Your Summer Reading List

The University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business is excited to announce some favorite books in the 14th Annual Top-10 Summer Reading List for Business Leaders for 2017, as recommended by faculty members. (1) The Undoing Project: A Friendship that Changed Our Minds By Michael Lewis (2016)

CIBER Awards 2017 PhD Research Award to Che-Wei Liu

The Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the University of Maryland is pleased to announce that Che-Wei Liu is the recipient of the 2017 CIBER PhD Research Award. CIBER supports PhD development as one of its four main pillars and the Center awarded Liu $4,000 to help fund his research.

Maryland Students Make Impact through Global Consulting Programs

From China to Rwanda and numerous places in between, students at the University of Maryland apply their classroom learning in real-world settings to provide valuable feedback to companies seeking to develop their global reach. Through experiential learning programs such as consulting projects offered by the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the University of Maryland, undergraduate and graduate students from across the university and throughout the state came together in spring 2017 to consult for local and international businesses.

Smith Undergrads Present Research in Rome

In April 2017, four students in the Social Innovation Fellows Program at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business traveled to Rome, Italy, with Professor David Kirsch to present research at the inaugural IESE-LUISS Business School Conference on Responsibility, Sustainability and Social Entrepreneurship. Fasika Delessa, Evan Haas, Aishwariya Chandrasekar, and Sarina Haryanto reflect on their experience:

Charles Olson Receives CIBER Award for Teaching Innovation in Global Learning

The Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business is pleased to announce that Charles E. Olson, a professor in the logistics, business and public policy department, received the second annual CIBER Award for Teaching Innovation in Global Learning. The award recognizes a Smith faculty member who has demonstrated a commitment to teaching for a global mindset, meaning openness to and awareness of diversity across cultures and markets.

Why Cuba’s Brain Drain Looks Completely Different

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – Cuba is experiencing a brain drain, though it's not the kind that forecasters were predicting when the long-closed country began opening its borders. It's internal brain drain.

What Women in Emerging Economies Must Do To Succeed

Smith School Hosts Expert on Career Advancement of Women in Emerging Economies How can women around the world succeed and lead?

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