Walmart Counters Amazon With Its Own 'Prime' Service

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Amazon may be synonymous with online shopping and fast shipping, but Walmart isn't ceding the e-commerce field to its hipper rival. Walmart announced last week that it was ramping up its efforts to counter Amazon's very successful Amazon Prime program — for $99 a year, Amazon offers free two-day shipping and a host of other benefits, i

Saudi Arabia to Partly Privatize World's Biggest Oil Company

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Saudi Arabia has announced a plan to spin off about 5 percent of its state-owned oil company, Saudi Aramco — which, at $2 trillion (some estimates are even higher), may be the most valuable company on Earth.

In Trucking Industry, Fights Over Efficiency Versus Safety

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Crashes of large trucks are on the rise in the United States.

Amazon: Horning in on FedEx's Turf?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Amazon has announced it is leasing 20 Boeing 767 planes in order to move its own goods, a move that could significantly impact FedEx and UPS, which it now leans on to deliver many of its packages. Some analysts are even wondering if Jeff Bezos's company might be positioning itself to become a competitor to FedEx and UPS.

Business Summit Speaker Shares Three Keys for Workplace 2025

Meeting current customer demands won’t be enough in 2025, keynote speaker Calvin G. Butler Jr. said on Nov. 13, 2015, at the fourth annual Smith School Business Summit in Baltimore. “Meeting the current demands of customers is only part of it,” said Butler, CEO of Baltimore Gas and Electric Company. “You need to think about where your customers are going, and you need to meet them there.”

Smith School Spurs ‘Single Window’ to Transform Trade

Supply chain experts at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business have spurred the implementation of a new system that will accelerate trade and save U.S. businesses money and time. Soon, the current paper-based system required by the U.S. government to import or export cargo will give way to the new “single window,” electronic data collection process, dubbed the International Trade Data System. It becomes mandatory in February 2016.

A Pipeline of Supply Chain Professionals

Brazilian immigrant Viviane Hembrock ’13 grew up surrounded by shipping. Her hometown of Santos, São Paulo, processes more than 3.5 million cargo containers annually, making it the busiest port in Latin America.

Smith Undergrads Attend IANA Logistics Expo in Florida

Twenty-four supply chain students from the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business traveled to the Intermodal Association of North America (IANA) EXPO on Sept. 20-22, 2015, in Ft. Lauderdale, Fla. The students are in the school’s Supply Chain Management Fellows program, which is fully funded by IANA, and the trip was part of the “Seminar in Supply Chain Management: An Executive Perspective” (BMGT 471) course.

Bachelors Line Up in U.S. Port Dating Game

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- Port operators in Savannah, Ga. are racing to upgrade their facilities for the rising generation of big ships, which will have a new lane from Asia when the Panama Canal completes a 10-year widening project in 2016. Rivals are eyeing the same big ships in Charleston, S.C. And in Boston, Houston, Miami and many other ports along the Gulf and East Coasts — like the reality television series where many bachelors vie for the attention of the same bachelorette.

A Pipeline of Supply Chain Professionals

Brazilian immigrant Viviane Hembrock ’13 grew up surrounded by the shipping industry. Her hometown of Santos, São Paulo, processes more than 3.5 million cargo containers annually, making it the busiest port in Latin America. “My city was all about logistics,” Hembrock says. So a supply chain career seemed natural when she came to Baltimore as an au pair and found an opportunity to study at the University of Maryland.

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