For the First Time, Smith Takes Tech Consulting Across the Pond
Smith’s undergraduate information systems program launched its first study abroad experience, taking students to London for hands-on tech consulting. Students collaborated with companies on analytics and AI projects, networked with industry leaders, and gained real-world experience in global technology and business challenges.
Leaning In on AI
Mark Urbanczyk ’02, a leader at Deloitte Consulting, spearheads the government AI & Data Engineering practice. Over two decades, he’s guided clients through AI’s evolution, emphasizing the importance of AI fluency and continuous learning for future business success.
Smith Partners with Deloitte for Spring Experiential Learning Opportunities
On April 23 and 24, Deloitte professionals joined Smith School faculty for “Takeover Days,” where 333 students across 13 classes tackled real-world projects. Guided by experts, they analyzed data and applied their knowledge to solve consulting scenarios.
The Smith Analytics Consortium’s Annual Datathon Breaks Another Record
The 5th Annual Datathon, hosted by the Smith Analytics Consortium, engaged 370 students in 53 teams, marking a new participation record. The event, aligned with Smith's Strategic Plan, fostered interdisciplinary collaboration and included students from various academic backgrounds.
Information Systems Students Build Web Solutions for Real Businesses
Students majoring in Information Systems got the opportunity to use what they’d learned throughout the undergraduate program in a culminating experiential learning senior capstone course where they built web solutions for small local businesses and worked with professionals and alumni from Deloitte and KPMG.
Students Across Campus Compete in Smith Analytics Consortium’s Annual Datathon
Students in 47 teams from across the University of Maryland’s campus went head to head in this year’s fourth annual Datathon – an 11-day data-focused competition hosted by the Smith Analytics Consortium at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, in collaboration with Deloitte and KPMG. The Datathon finale took place in Van Munching Hall on April 28, 2023, in front of a panel of industry judges from Deloitte and KPMG and a crowd of supporters, and awarded a total of $7,500 in cash prizes.
UMD Smith and Deloitte Launch Initiative to Expand AI Study and Outreach Opportunities
The Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland (UMD) has joined Deloitte to launch the Deloitte Initiative for AI and Learning (DIAL), an artificial intelligence (AI) research initiative to help expand learning and development opportunities for faculty and students across the university’s various colleges.
John Bono: Smith Analytics Consortium’s New Co-Director
John Bono has been appointed as co-director of the Smith Analytics Consortium. In his new role, he works with current co-director Wedad Elmaghraby to continue the consortium's excellence, focusing on its primary purpose of connecting UMD students and faculty with industry sponsors.
Students Showcase Analytics Skills in Annual Consortium Datathon Sponsored by Deloitte
On April 19, 2022, the Smith Analytics Consortium proudly kicked off its third annual Datathon sponsored by Deloitte, one of the consortium’s closest industry sponsors. The 9-day-long, data-focused competition provided University of Maryland students the opportunity to use their problem-solving, analytical, and data visualization skills.
Join Maryland Smith on January 31, 2022, for a discussion with federal government and business data executives on their common imperatives for 2022 and beyond.
Moderated by Prof. Wendy Moe, co-chair of the Smith Analytics Consortium.