Banks Are Flirting With Bonds That Burned Them Before

Big U.S. banks have begun cozying up to the business of building and selling mortgage bonds, the very securities that helped plunge them into financial crisis a decade ago. Is it time to worry?

Fixing the Vague, Complex Volcker Rule

Tweaks to the Volcker Rule will help fix a regulation that is too vague, complex and burdensome, Maryland Smith finance professor Clifford Rossi says.

Equifax’s Big Little Fine

“It’s a lot of money,” says Maryland Smith’s Clifford Rossi, of the nearly $700 million that credit reporting giant Equifax has agreed to pay over its massive data breach. But far more needs to be done.

Will You Friend Facebook's Cryptocurrency?

Who will “friend” the new Facebook cryptocurrency? Maryland Smith experts weigh in, after the social media giant’s announcement that it would launch a new blockchain-based payment service, called Libra.

Echoes of the Financial Crisis, in Drug Manufacturing

The crisis over tainted heart drugs made in China and sold in the U.S. had an oddly familiar ring to it for Maryland Smith’s Clifford Rossi. But it wasn’t a previous medical drug crisis that crept to mind for him.

Fannie and Freddie Might Need Your Money

Ten years after Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placement into conservatorship, the two mortgage-finance giants might soon face a new crisis.

Post-Crisis and Below Average: A Financial Sector Report Card

As the 10-year anniversary of the global economic crisis approaches, Clifford Rossi offers a financial sector report card. "We have absolutely come a long way in many regards," he says. "But in other respects, we've learned nothing."

Here’s What’s Missing From Dodd-Frank Reforms

As Congress reexamines the Dodd-Frank law, the Smith School's Clifford Rossi offers this advice: Draw the credit-reporting agencies into its scope.

A Wells Fargo Sanction, a Warning for Its Peers

For Wells Fargo, the Fed's stringent sanctions last week undoubtedly come as a bit of a blow. For the rest of the banking industry, more of a warning. "This is a supervisory slapdown in a major," says the Smith School's Clifford Rossi.

Why 2018 Could Be Big for Fannie, Freddie

Are these the end of days for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Lawmakers are considering whether to close the chapter on conservatorship for the two government-sponsored enterprises, a move that could bring big changes to housing finance in the United States.

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