10 Business Books for Your Summer Reading List

The University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business is excited to announce some favorite books in the 14th Annual Top-10 Summer Reading List for Business Leaders for 2017, as recommended by faculty members. (1) The Undoing Project: A Friendship that Changed Our Minds By Michael Lewis (2016)

The WannaCry Legacy: How the Attack Will Shape Cybersecurity

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – The WannaCry ransomware that has affected more than 230,000 computers in 150 countries now has largely halted its crawl across the globe, but experts say the attack's real impact might be yet to come. They predict the assault could herald a turning point in cyber intrusions and in the way institutions handle cybersecurity.

Accounting Ethics Pioneer Stephen E. Loeb to Retire

Accounting professor Stephen E. Loeb, a pioneer in accounting ethics education and an early adopter of active learning techniques, will retire in spring 2017 following a 47-year career at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

The Quirk in the IRS’s Tuition-Reporting Rules

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – College-tuition-paying tax filers should be extra careful when claiming that tax credit – at least for one more year. In the following piece, lecturer Samuel Handwerger at the University of Maryland's Robert H.

The Trouble with Trump’s Executive Order on New Regulations

By SAM HANDWERGER SMITH BRAIN TRUST - “OK, tell me what to do.” “I can't tell you.” “Why not?” “Well, the president told me not to.” “But I need you to explain to me the law so I can understand how to apply the law.”

Seven Ways to Trigger an IRS Audit

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – Could the tax deduction you take on mortgage interest actually result in a tax audit from the IRS? How about the early withdrawal you made from your retirement account last year, or the charitable donation you made? Smith School lecturer Samuel Handwerger warns that the deductions you plan to take this year could put your income-tax return squarely in the crosshairs of an IRS auditor.

Cybersecurity Forum Tackles Democracy Hacking

The recent Department of Homeland Security designation of state election assets as U.S. critical infrastructure – if it stands -- is a key to mitigating cyber threats to American democracy, said a researcher during the Forum on Financial Information Systems and Cybersecurity: A Public Policy Perspective on Jan. 11, 2017 at the University of Maryland.

Nominate Your Favorite Professors for Teaching Awards

All faculty, program directors, deans, department chairs, alumni, and students of the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business are invited to nominate deserving Smith School faculty members (i.e., tenured, tenure-track, clinical, Professor of the Practice, lecturer, adjunct, or Ph.D. student) for one of several teaching awards. Nominations are due by March 3, 2017, and awards will be presented in May. Allen J. Krowe Award for Teaching Excellence

In Era of Trump, Investors Grapple with Tweet Risk

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – When President-elect Donald Trump took to Twitter to criticize Lockheed Martin for the price tag on the F-35 fighter jet, he sent the defense contractor's shares into a minor tailspin. A similar thing happened weeks earlier, when he tweeted a rebuke of Boeing for the price of the new Air Force One.

Annual Cybersecurity Forum Slated for Jan. 11

Researchers and senior executives from the private sector, government agencies and academia will gather to explore policy-based solutions to information security breaches in the 13th annual Forum on Financial Information Systems and Cybersecurity: A Public Policy Perspective. The daylong event takes place Wednesday, Jan. 11, 2017 in Van Munching Hall at the University of Maryland.

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