Do Innovative Firms Communicate More?

New research finds that successful innovation, measured in patents, leads firms to issue more voluntary management forecasts, which can then spur more investment in the firm.

The Value of the CAPEX Forecast

New research looks at the capital expenditure, or CAPEX, forecast to see how it influences company investment behavior.

Tax Advice for the Pandemic Era

Your tax donations, your home office, your added childcare costs. Here's the tax advice our expert is giving to his clients.

Tax Rules for College Students And Their Parents

A Maryland Smith expert describes the clever – and entirely legal – loophole his dad used to reduce his income tax and how that loophole has changed.

What To Binge Watch Over Winter Break

Ready to get cozy and catch up on some of the movies and TV shows you've missed? Maryland Smith faculty have some recommendations.

How To Stay Ahead of Cyber Risk

Cyber risk can come from data breaches or cyber attacks, but to really root out cyber threats and prepare for risks, organizations need to take a new approach.

A Controversy in 77 Words

It is just 77 words. But this single section of the federal tax code is sparking a lot of controversies.

99 Men and 1 Woman?

After the uproar over the Forbes list, Maryland Smith experts compile a quick list of their own, with just a few of the women that should make any list of innovators.

Confused by Unclear Accounting Information

In the grand scheme of the economy, the accounting information that individual firms report can have big impacts.

Comic Books for Complex Issues

The New York Fed recently decided to explain monetary policy in a comic book, set in outer space. It had us wondering: What other complex business topics would be helpful to see in simplified, comic book fashion?

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