How Sales Tax Ended Up in the Supreme Court

The Supreme Court is poised to take up an issue that states have wrestled with since before the earliest days of online retail sales. It's the issue of whether states may collect sales tax from out-of-state retailers. Sam Handwerger explains why it's a bigger deal than ever.

Slow Motion Earnings Revisions on Wall Street

Time required to collect, process and distribute information ranges from nine minutes to nearly five days for Thomson Reuters.

14 Signs the GOP May Be Ready for a Flat Tax

Among the pages and pages of proposed changes in the still-evolving Republican tax plan, the Smith School's Sam Handwerger detects some signs that the party is becoming more open to a flat tax.

Size Matters With Signatures

Researchers find a correlation between declining firm performance, narcissism and large signature size on annual SEC filings.

Understanding the Risks of Privatization

While private company ownership comes with benefits, new research from the Smith School reveals it may not be for the risk-averse.

The Price to Pay for a Successful M&A

Companies with internal control weaknesses should stay away from acquisitions. Otherwise they may pay more in the long run.

Cracking the Wall Street Earnings Puzzle

Markets often react in counterintuitive ways to monetary policy. Understanding why can help analysts anticipate Fed action.

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