Smith School Formula Helps Computer Triumph in 'Go'

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — A computer created by Google engineers knocked off one of the world's greatest human players of the Chinese game Go this week — a landmark in the development of artificial intelligence. In doing so, it made use of an approach to the computerized analysis of decision-making first developed at the Smith School and Maryland's engineering school.

Giving Day is March 3

Giving Day returns to the University of Maryland on Thursday, March 3, giving all members of the Robert H. Smith School of Business community the opportunity to boost their contributions through several hourly contests held across campus. From noon until 2 p.m., the Smith faculty and staff’s donations will be eligible for an extra $3,000 prize to be awarded to the Smith School - if they can donate the most money of any on-campus unit within that timeframe.

Spotting Free-Agent Bargains in Baseball

By using advanced baseball statistics, it’s possible to predict the monetary value of baseball players' future contributions — and avoid awarding massive multiyear contracts to players whose best days are behind them, according to new research from the Robert H. Smith School, at the University of Maryland.

Spotting Free-Agent Bargains in Baseball

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — By using advanced baseball statistics, it's possible to predict the monetary value of baseball players' future contributions — and avoid awarding massive multiyear contracts to players whose best days are behind them, according to new research from the Robert H.

Five Keys for a World-Class B-School

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- Challenges to business schools fall into five universal categories. “Any business school that aspires to become world class and contribute meaningfully to all its stakeholders” needs to address “leadership, execution, analytics, discipline and serving a broader set of stakeholders genuinely and rigorously,” professors at the University of Maryland’s Robert H.

Patent Reform to Unleash Innovation

The U.S. patent system was set up to reward and encourage innovation. But there are lots of challenges. Exponential growth in patent applications have patent examiners overwhelmed, and patent disputes clog the court system with litigation from corporations and other patent holders. In this edition of Smith Business Close-Up, host Jeff Salkin visits the Smith School to sit down with professor Joseph Bailey, a 2014 Thomas Alva Edison Visiting Scholar with the U.S. Patent and Trademark Office.

Smith School Partners with Office of Financial Research on Research Challenge

​The Robert H. Smith School of Business is partnering with the Office of Financial Research on a  challenge for research teams to link four disparate financial datasets.

Yes, You Can Catch Obesity From Your Coworkers

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Can you catch bad health habits from your peers? How about from your subordinates or even your boss? Yes, according to new work from the Robert H.

The 'Disruption' of Higher Education

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Are today's colleges going the way of Blockbuster after the rise of Netflix and streaming video? Things might not be quite so dire. But Henry C. Lucas, Jr., chair of the Department of Decision, Operations and Information Technologies at the University of Maryland's Robert H.

MS in Information Systems Students win National Codeathon

A team of students from the Master of Science in Information Systems (MSIS) program at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business won the first prize award of $2,500 at the American Public Health Association’s 2015 Codeathon in Chicago.

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