Aborted LoanDepot IPO a Blip or Harbinger?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- Nonbank mortgage lender LoanDepot cited "market conditions" for postponing an initial public offering of as much as $540 million of stock. "It begs the question of whether this a rewind to the (2008 subprime mortgage) precrisis period," says finance professor

Will the Fed Act?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Last week, Fed chairwoman Janet Yellen said that raising interest rates before the end of the year was "a live possibility," given what she described as the relatively strong performance by the economy.

A Consumer Goods Behemoth Faces Pressure

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Is it time for the biggest consumer products group in the world to be broken up? Procter & Gamble may account for more than half of the market for laundry care in the United States (Tide, Gain, Downy), more than two-thirds of the market for razors and blades (Gillette), and 15.5 percent of the beauty and personal care market (Pantene, and on and on). That's added up to a market capitalization of more than $200 billion.

Market Volatility

International markets have seen some tumultuous times lately. Much of the volatility stems from economic trouble in China, spilling over to other regions. In this edition of Smith Business Close-Up, host Jeff Salkin visits the Smith School to discuss market volatility with Kristen Fanarakis, assistant director of the Center for Financial Policy.

Valeant No Enron; Stock Market Overreacting says Smith Expert

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- Valeant Pharmaceuticals’ stock dive, after short-selling resea

‘Bro’ Subculture Spurs Financial Risk-Taking

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Men getting in touch with their masculine selves — like in Wall Street’s male-dominated, competitive culture — breeds overconfidence and financial risk-taking,

Deutsche Bank ‘Cleaning Slate’ for $7B Loss

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- Europe’s biggest investment bank is bracing for a near-$7 billion third-quarter loss, and the fallout is taking shape.

4 Students Receive Scholars Citation Certificate

Four of the best students in the College Park Scholars Business Society and the Economy (BSE) program at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business were celebrated on Friday, Oct. 2, 2015, at the Annual Citation Awards Ceremony.

Global Market Volatility: What's Going On?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- The Center for Financial Policy at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business hosted a forum on Global Market Volatility on Sept. 8, 2015, aimed at making sense of the recent tumult in international markets — notably in China, but also spilling over into other regions, including the United States.

China Turmoil Spreads; Volatility the New Norm

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- After August marked the Dow’s worst month, September opened with U.S.

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