Mergers and Acquisitions Contest Draws top MBA Programs; UVA Triumphs

College Park, Md. – Oct. 24, 2011 – A college football weekend likely comes to mind when a mid-autumn competition is associated with beer and the likes of UCLA, Texas A&M and the University of Virginia. Teams from these schools and others recently concluded a pressure-packed competition. But it involved neither athletics nor tailgating fans. Instead, MBA students matched their skills as the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business staged its 5th annual Mergers and Acquisitions Competition.

Smith Business Close-Up: Bank Fees

Thursday, Oct. 27, 2011, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, Oct. 30, 2011, 7:30 a.m. Bank Fees Bank of America recently announced a drastic increase in debit fees and Citi also announced an increase in other account fees. With the banking industry still struggling, are consumer stuck paying the bill?

Chief Risk Officer Lecture Series Features CapitalOne’s Peter Schnall

Peter A. Schnall, chief risk officer and executive vice president at Capital One, spoke at the CRO Lecture Series on Oct. 11, 2011 about "Risk Management in Action: How Risk and Business Managers Drive Strategy and Control Risk" to an enthusiastic group of practitioners and graduate students at the Ronald Reagan Building and International Trade Center in Washington, D.C.

CRO Lecture Series Presents Peter Schnall of Capital One

CRO Lecture SeriesPeter Schnall, CRO, Capital OneOctober 11, 2011 | Washington, D.C.


MEDIA ALERT: July 28, 2011 UMD BUSINESS FACULTY AVAILABLE TO EXPLAIN ISSUES SURROUNDING DEBT CEILING DEBATE Finance and economics faculty experts at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business are available to comment on the federal debt ceiling debate. They can help explain the implications for the global economy should a deal not be reached, and they can provide perspective on why the political fight has been raging in Washington.

Pitfalls of Qualified Residential Mortgages and a Simple Solution

MEDIA ALERT: July 26, 2011 Pitfalls of Qualified Residential Mortgages and a Simple Solution

Business Lessons Could Hold Clues to How Bin Laden’s Death Will Impact Al Qaeda, Economy

MEDIA ALERT: May 3, 2011 Business Lessons Could Hold Clues to How Bin Laden’s Death Will Impact Al Qaeda, Economy UMD’s Smith School of Business Experts Offer Insights With the 10-year U.S. manhunt for Osama Bin Laden ending in the terrorist leader’s death, the world is watching for the impacts. Lessons from business could hold clues to how the loss of the leader might impact the Al Qaeda organization and the global economic climate. Organizational Effects Professor Paul Tesluk weighs in on how Bin Laden’s death may affect the Al Qaeda organization.

Smith Business Close-Up: Berkshire Hathaway - Students Headed to Annual Meeting

Conglomerate holding company Berkshire Hathaway is one of the world’s most respected companies, run by legendary investor Warren Buffett. Holders of the New York Stock Exchange’s priciest stock will make the pilgrimage to Omaha, Nebraska next week for the company’s annual shareholder meeting – and a group of lucky undergraduates will go along for the ride to learn about the company, its impact on the economy, and hear words of wisdom from the “Oracle of Omaha” himself.

Berkshire Hathaway - Students Headed to Annual Meeting

Conglomerate holding company Berkshire Hathaway is one of the world’s most respected companies, run by legendary investor Warren Buffett. Holders of the New York Stock Exchange’s priciest stock will make the pilgrimage to Omaha, Nebraska next week for the company’s annual shareholder meeting – and a group of lucky undergraduates will go along for the ride to learn about the company, its impact on the economy, and hear words of wisdom from the “Oracle of Omaha” himself.

Five Students Win Wikler Case Competition

A group of five students won the 2011 Wikler Case Competition on Friday, April 15, 2011, after weeks of preparing to compete against six other peer groups. The groups argued a case titled, “Valuation of AirThread Connections” to judges earlier in the day. The case, which came from Harvard Business Publishing, involved the acquisition of AirThread Connections, a large regional cellular provider, by American Cable Communications.

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