Smith School's Finance Chair Helps Stir Debate On Executive Compensation

Lemma Senbet, Holder of the William E. Mayer Chair in Finance at the Robert H. Smith School of Business, is among more than 30 members of the influential Financial Economists Roundtable (FER) signing on to a position paper addressing executive compensation issues. The statement, released November 24, calls for the repeal of a federal tax law that limits business tax breaks for compensation over $1 million.

Smith Students Appear on CNBC to Discuss the Economy and War

Smith School undergraduate and MBA students recently joined Treasury Secretary John Snow and Commerce Secretary Don Evans for a nationally-televised town hall meeting on the White House economic stimulus plan. The students, along with Smith School Professor of International Business Peter Morici and students from two other universities, participated in the economic discussion on CNBCs Capital Report program, which aired Tuesday, February 25, 2003.

Climate Change Scenarios and Risk Management

How can institutions prepare meaningful climate change scenarios for decision making and risk management?

Correcting the Course of Factor Models

Researchers have struggled with using characteristics-based factor models to summarize cross-sections of stock returns. Homing in on a few characteristics was seen as a potential solution. But new Maryland Smith research has other ideas.

What’s Next, After the GameStop Frenzy?

As the GameStop trading frenzy died down, a question arose: “What does all this mean for retail and institutional investors?”

How Corporate Taxes Benefit the Greater Good

New research shows how to best design corporate taxes and subsidies to spur companies to innovate in ways to have the greatest social impact.

What's Up With GameStop?

Few would have guessed that GameStop would be Wall Street’s most eye-popping stock to watch. Our experts explain the frenzy.

Why Did Stocks Surge After the Capitol Violence?

Markets abhor uncertainty. So why were investors buying stocks after a day of violence and chaos at the U.S. Capitol? 

Are Your Colleagues Influencing Your Investment Decisions?

When and how employees choose to participate their company's employee stock purchase plans might depend on what their colleagues do.

Q&A: What’s Next, After Europe’s Deal With China?

The European Union and China have a new trade deal. What are the impliations of the agreement, including for the United States?

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