10 Business Books for Your Summer Reading List

The University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business is excited to announce some favorite books in the 14th Annual Top-10 Summer Reading List for Business Leaders for 2017, as recommended by faculty members. (1) The Undoing Project: A Friendship that Changed Our Minds By Michael Lewis (2016)

Should Everyone Receive a Basic Income?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – At a time when robots and other forms of automation appear poised to edge out wide swaths of the global workforce, several pilot projects and at least one documentary film are exploring the idea of universal basic income – free money for everyone, enough to cover basic expenses.

The WannaCry Legacy: How the Attack Will Shape Cybersecurity

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – The WannaCry ransomware that has affected more than 230,000 computers in 150 countries now has largely halted its crawl across the globe, but experts say the attack's real impact might be yet to come. They predict the assault could herald a turning point in cyber intrusions and in the way institutions handle cybersecurity.

The U.S., North Korea and Game Theory

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – Amid the ramped-up diplomatic and military pressure on North Korea, there is something else at play, says Charles E. Olson, professor of the practice at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business. It's an exercise in game theory.

When Globalization Feels Like Sitting 'in the Middle of a Storm'

Globalization: It's a topic that increasingly dominates headlines and political discourse around the world, with Donald Trump in the White House, the United Kingdom leaving the European Union, and protectionist sentiment gaining political favor in other parts of the developed world. It was also the topic that dominated the seventh annual Emerging Markets Forum, hosted by the Center for International Business Education and Research (CIBER) at the University of Maryland's Robert H.

C-BERC’s Gideon Mark Publishes Article

In October 2016, C-BERC’s Associate Director Gideon Mark, associate professor of logistics, business and public policy at the University of Maryland’s Robert H.

Why Shell Has All But Given Up on Canada's Oil Sands

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Are Canada’s oil sands losing their luster? More than a decade ago, big multinational energy companies were flocking to the Western province of Alberta in droves, lured by a wealth of heavy crude in its bitumen-rich sands when oil was trading north of $100 a barrel.

MS in Supply Chain Management Students Place at Regional Case Competition

Two teams of MS in Supply Chain Management students from the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business placed second and third at the recent annual APICS Mid Atlantic District Case Competition. The Case Competition was held on Feb. 24-25, 2017, in Pittsburgh, Pa. More than 22 teams participated in the preliminary rounds of the competition, and only five teams made it to the final round in Pittsburgh—four of those teams were from the University of Maryland.

Should the NFL Worry As Super Bowl Ad Buying Lags?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Fox was unexpectedly scrambling this week to sell the last remaining in-game commercial spots for the Feb.

Can the TPP Be Salvaged Without the U.S.?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – President Donald Trump signed an executive order this week to formally walk away from the Trans Pacific Partnership, in what looked like the final chapter for the 12-nation trade deal. 

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