North American Trade and the USMCA

The pros outweigh the cons in the proposed United States-Mexico-Canada Agreement (USMCA), trade leaders across industries said Oct. 15, 2019, at Maryland Smith.

Undercurrents in the Shipping Industry

Global financiers say they’re putting the interests of the environment first when deciding whether to extend shipping loans. And that move is making some waves.

99 Men and 1 Woman?

After the uproar over the Forbes list, Maryland Smith experts compile a quick list of their own, with just a few of the women that should make any list of innovators.

Comic Books for Complex Issues

The New York Fed recently decided to explain monetary policy in a comic book, set in outer space. It had us wondering: What other complex business topics would be helpful to see in simplified, comic book fashion?

The Tariff Effect

Faced with the option of either buying American steel products or importing foreign steel and paying the associated tariffs, the choice would seem to be pretty simple. Sometimes it's not.

Canada Goose and a Supply Chain Lesson

Winter-chic outfitter Canada Goose has been chilled amid a controversy that underscores the need for transparency across supply chains.

The New Brick-and-Mortar

Retailers, long caught in’s shadow, increasingly are looking to AI, inventory management and myriad supply chain innovations for new sources of light.

Should PG&E Unplug in a Crisis?

California utility giant PG&E is putting to work a new strategy to keep its power lines from sparking the kinds of wildfires that have killed dozens across the state and leveled home after home. When fire risks are high, PG&E officials will simply pull the plug, cutting the power altogether until the danger subsides. But should they?

What the Trade War Means for Tech

As the U.S.-China trade war enters its second year, companies that depend on Chinese manufacturing are looking elsewhere for production needs. It's 'a wake-up call for companies,' our expert says. Here is what they should do next.

Could Renting a Sofa Save the Planet?

There's a growing number of retailers jumping into the rental biz, as part of a sustainability push aimed at keeping furniture and clothing out of landfills. Here's what's behind the trend and what they should do instead.

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