Where Does Remote Work Stand Three Years After the Pandemic Emptied Offices?

The unimaginable happened in March 2020. Many employers shuttered their offices and told their employees to work from home. Today, although office workers are still not coming in every day, offices across 10 major U.S. cities are over 50% filled for the first time since the pandemic started. 

The Simple Act That Can Make You a Better Leader at Work and Happier at Home

Being a leader is about more than a title; it’s a mindset. And it fluctuates – people may feel more “leader-like” on some days than others. Feeling capable and confident can make leaders more successful for their organizations, so helping them feel the part every day is critical.

Management Professor’s Research Spurs U.S. Push to Ban Noncompete Agreements for Workers

The United States is moving to ban noncompete agreements in labor contracts, and research from Maryland Smith management professor Evan Starr is behind the push.

When the Award Goes to … Someone Else

In new research in the Academy of Management Journal, Hui Liao and her co-authors look at how the experience of almost winning impacts the performance of nominees, specifically their collaboration with others.

How to Ask for What You Want Before Taking a Job

Are you looking through the details of a new job offer or planning to ask for a raise with your current employer? The labor shortage and need for good employees means you still have some leverage. And with inflation the highest it’s been in decades; you shouldn’t pass up the opportunity to get the salary you deserve. Now’s your chance to negotiate.

Feeling Burned Out at Work? Here’s How to Fix It

Burnout. It’s the reason 40% of professionals have sought new career opportunities recently, according to a 2021 Limeade survey.

A Different Perspective on Whether Corporate America is Failing Women

Online career platform, The Muse reports corporate America is still failing women in 2022.

Twitter Upheaval

Last Friday, about 3,700 Twitter employees learned they lost their jobs after access was suspended to company-wide systems, like email and Slack.

What “The Mole” and Your Job Have in Common

Netflix rebooted “The Mole'' this year and HuffPost, in How To Beat Someone Who's Undermining You At Work, According To Science And 'The Mole', asked the mole from the show, and workplace paranoia experts how to tell if a co-worker is trying to sabotage you.

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