Bjarnadóttir Earns Best White Paper Award

New research from Maryland Smith’s Margrét Bjarnadóttir that asks how organizations can leverage AI to build a more equitable workforce has been named the Best White Paper in the 2021 Wharton Analytics Conference.

Can AI Help Create More Equitable Workplaces?

Can we partner with artificial intelligence and machine learning tools to build a more equitable workforce? New research may offer a way.

Improving Patient Health, One Amazon Alexa at a Time

Imagine a world where your Amazon Alexa checks on you to make sure you’ve taken your medication and alerts your provider with clinically important information. With the advent of new technology such as telehealth, a team of Maryland Smith researchers want to make this a reality, strengthening the connection between patients and providers.

Maryland Smith Researchers in Collaborative Effort To Advance Medical Science

Maryland Smith researchers will conduct data-driven research into treating a condition associated with opioid addiction as part of a joint, UMD cross-campus initiative with the University of Maryland, Baltimore.

Reducing Gender Bias: A Take from Two Smith Professors

How can we reduce gender bias in the workplace? The question sparked a thoughtful debate at the Girls in Tech Conference in Washington, D.C., on Feb. 27. Offering insights in the discussion were two professors from the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, Wendy W. Moe and Margrét Bjarnadóttir.

Deloitte Welcomes Smith Analytics Faculty to Greenhouse

Deloitte hosted seven faculty affiliates of the Smith Analytics Consortium for a meeting of the minds on Jan. 31, 2019, at the company’s Greenhouse in Washington, D.C.

CHIDS Research Webinar on Curbing Prescription Opioid Risk Set for April 10

Check out the webinar video and materials. A University of Maryland-led research team will give key insights and next steps in an effort using big data and machine learning to target a U.S. opioid epidemic that claimed 42,000-plus lives in 2016. The discussion will be via a 3-4 p.m. Tuesday, April 10 webinar, "Promoting Better Pain Management Outcomes: Precision Decision Support for Opioid Prescribing." It’s hosted by the Center for Health Information and Decision Systems (CHIDS) at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business. 

Fearless Idea 6: Close the Gender Pay Gap

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — The gender pay gap, widely cited for full-time workers in the United States as women earning 79 percent of what men earn, drew 100 businesses to sign on to the White House Equal Pay Pledge in 2016. It also prompted professor Margrét Bjarnadóttir at the University of Maryland’s Robert H.

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