Finance Skills Lead to Adidas Internship

By Meredith Cobb Anthony “A.J.” Woodard Jr. ’20 loves music, leadership and math. He combines the first two passions in his side gig as a DJ. “In high school we really didn’t do anything on the weekends,” he says. “So I saw an opportunity to do something for my friends. I picked up DJ-ing, kept it up as a hobby and turned it into a side gig.” His other passion led him to a dual degree program at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, where he is pursuing a full-time MBA and Master of Finance.

PwC Consultant Seizes Opportunities

By Meredith Cobb Gabrielle Bianchi ’18, MS ’19, is a firm believer in seizing opportunities. Within three years at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, she finished a double major in accounting and information systems, got involved in Greek life and club activities, and earned citations in the College Park Scholars and QUEST honors programs.

Ernst & Young Awaits Award Winner

Zoha Tariq ’19 is the kind of person who has always had a clear vision of her goals and aspirations. “Ever since I was a little girl, I was enamored with the idea of being an independent woman working in the financial world,” Tariq says. “When I moved to Maryland from Chicago four years ago, I knew a well-applied accounting degree would work as my roadmap to success.”

Skater Makes Her Mark in Full Color

Entrepreneur Jasmine Snead, MBA ’21, has been skating since she was 5. But as a woman of color, she struggled to find tights that matched her skin tone. “I was forced to wear tights, mesh and other paraphernalia in the wrong skin tones because my shade was not readily available,” Snead says. “The lack of color variety posesd a drawback because it's not aesthetically appealing to the eye and it’s frustrating to practice your passion while feeling like you’re in someone else’s skin.”

Terp Vet Transitions to Finance Career

A passion for finance started with a 1980s television series for Marwin Glenn ’17, MS ’19. “I used to watch Family Ties with Michael J. Fox,” says Glenn, a Master of Finance candidate with an undergraduate degree in international business. “He was always focused on his end goal, being successful.” Glenn liked the mindset, so he started investing when he joined the U.S. Marine Corps in 2005. “I bought in securities just to get a little experience,” he says.

Military, Math, Mom and MBA

As a systems engineer, math major, nuclear reactor operator and mother of two small children, there isn’t much that Kenyetta Barnes fears. Except, she laughs, quantitative subjects, like accounting and finance, despite her strong math background. “Accounting and math are completely different,” she says. “I always had this fear of those types of classes.”

Diabetes Can’t Stop Ironman Athlete

By Shadee Nowrouzi Completing the Ironman is hard enough as is. Now imagine taking on the challenge with Type 1 diabetes. Lauren Dahlin, a PhD student in information systems at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, completed her first full Ironman triathlon on Sept. 28, 2018, in Cambridge, Md. The race, which consists of a 2.4-mile swim, 112-mile bike ride and 26.2-mile run, is considered one of the most challenging sporting events in the world.

Helping Marriott Grow Worldwide

Marriott International executive Falisha Alie knew she wanted to work in the hospitality industry when she started college in the 1990s. “It seemed quite glamorous,” she says.  Even before she finished her undergraduate degree at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, she landed her first position at Marriott. “Working in hospitality is so fun, and the people at Marriott are great,” she says.

KPMG Job Awaits Accounting Student

As an accounting major during his undergraduate studies at the University of Central Florida, Christopher Rolle wanted to jumpstart his career as a certified public accountant by starting graduate school immediately. He also wanted to try something completely different, having spent his whole life in Florida, so he thought he’d try out the Washington, D.C., area for its history, culture and even its unpredictable winters.

Mixing Sports and Business

When Jyoti Sardana started the part-time MBA program at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, she never anticipated she would be working alongside professional athletes before her graduation in December 2018. “I knew I wanted a graduate degree, and I was taking a few tests to get my security licenses so I could trade,” says Sardana, who worked as a registered associate at Morgan Stanley when she started the evening program at Maryland Smith’s Shady Grove campus in Rockville, Md.

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