More than 300 Smith Students Participate in Latin America Consulting Opportunities

Pratik Dixit BS ’13 (finance, information systems) could have chosen a glamorous study-abroad locale such as Amsterdam, Dubai or Paris. Instead, he jumped at a 12-day consulting opportunity in rural Nicaragua. Calling it a “perfect blend of service and business,” Dixit says, “Having this experience on my resume helped me say I’ve done real consulting work. … Companies are very impressed by that.” Deloitte evidently was — Dixit has been working there as a consultant since graduation.

The Global Pulse: A Coronavirus Video Series

In our video series, Maryland Smith experts share their insights on the broadly reaching impacts of the coronavirus pandemic.

What GE CEO Culp Is Getting Right

Analysts may disagree on General Electric stock prospects, but there’s one thing they do seem to agree on: the effectiveness of CEO Larry Culp.

What To Binge Watch Over Winter Break

Ready to get cozy and catch up on some of the movies and TV shows you've missed? Maryland Smith faculty have some recommendations.

99 Men and 1 Woman?

After the uproar over the Forbes list, Maryland Smith experts compile a quick list of their own, with just a few of the women that should make any list of innovators.

How Kraft Heinz Reveals the Limits of 3G's Strategy

For a long time, it has seemed like 3G Capital was the batter who couldn’t help but hit home runs. A model of good management, the private equity firm seemed to just keep hitting them out of the park. But is it?

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