eBay Tips the Scales

Research by Siva Viswanathan and Goudong “Gordon” Gao A buyer venting through a recent eBay forum about a shipping delay contemplated posting an online review criticizing the seller for “laziness and lack of professionalism.” One thing holding the buyer back was fear of a retaliatory review from the merchant that would “tank my rating” as a future seller. 

Judging Borrowers by the Company they Keep

Your friends say a lot about you — and can even determine whether you can get a loan. That’s the finding of new research from Siva Viswanathan, associate professor of decision, operations and information technologies. 

For App Developers, Bad Behavior Doesn’t Pay

App makers delayed updating to a more secure version of Google’s Android platform just so they could continue to harvest and sell users’ personal data, new research shows.

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