AI Research Briefs

Finance professor Agustin Hurtado’s AI research highlights racial disparities in mortgage lending, while Information Systems researchers study AI chatbots' impact on mental health counseling. Marketing professor Michel Wedel explores predicting decisions via eye-tracking, and accounting professor Rebecca Hann examines AI’s evolving role in the accounting industry.

The Secret to Accomplishing Big Goals

A study co-authored by Aneesh Rai, assistant professor of management and organization at the Smith School, suggests breaking large career goals into smaller tasks boosts long-term commitment and performance.

Study Examines Gender Disparity in Science Research Funding

Women now hold 55% of U.S. life-science doctorates, up from 32-38% in the mid-1980s. However, junior women face funding and tenure disparities compared to men and senior women, hindering the full benefits of gender diversity in science.

Supply Chain Mapping, Not Climate Prediction, is Key to Mitigating Risk for Corporate Boards

The Financial Times recently tapped a UMD research team led by Smith’s Sandor Boyson to describe supply chain mapping as critical to corporate boards for mitigating climate risk.

Chinese University Patent Bubbles Evident and Problematic, Including to National Innovation Strategy, Study Shows

Chinese universities are booming in terms of patent activity, but a study reveals a troubling issue: 'patent bubbles.' Waverly Ding's research exposes this trend, questioning China's innovation strategy. Explore the implications of this trend for China's innovation landscape.

Viewer Discretion Advised: How Gender Enters the Picture When Audiences Rate Movies

Professor David Waguespack warns against relying solely on average ratings when choosing a movie, particularly if it stars a woman. In groundbreaking research, he reveals how gender affects movie ratings, shedding light on biases in audience perceptions and their impact on box office revenues.

Groundbreaking AI Technology Uses People’s Eye Movements to Predict Their Decisions

Professor Michel Wedel and team introduce RETINA, an AI-driven eye-tracking innovation predicting decisions from eye movements in seconds. Detailed in 'Predicting Consumer Choice From Raw Eye‑Movement Data,' the technology offers insights for marketing and beyond.

How Mafia Crackdowns Drive Competition and Innovation in Local Economies

The Italian Mafia is synonymous with organized crime and some of the country’s most powerful groups wield fearsome power across the world. Their strongholds start at the municipal level. Pablo Slutzky, a finance assistant professor at the Smith School of Business, studies how the mafia’s presence impacts local economies.

When Firms Internalize Political Stigma

The Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017 stigmatized local employers by creating the impression that strongly anti-diversity attitudes put on display by white supremacists were widespread in the community. Employers sought to counteract this “stigma by association” by dramatically increasing the extent to which they included pro-diversity language in their job advertisements. This is according to research by Assistant Professor of Management and Organization Reuben Hurst at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

Earnings Reports Aren't Just for Investors – Consumers Care, Too

Publicly traded companies’ quarterly earnings announcements aren’t just for investors – consumers are also absorbing earnings news and making purchasing decisions accordingly, finds new research from the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business. The research, from Michael Kimbrough, accounting professor and area chair of Smith’s accounting and information assurance department, looks at how stakeholders beyond investors respond to earnings reports and what that means for firms.

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