Promoting Voice on Your Action Team

Encouraging a speak-up culture is a tricky task for leaders. New Smith School research reveals what they should and shouldn't do to create effective action teams.

A Century of Organizational Psychology

The Smith School's Gilad Chen reviewed 100 years of research in the field of industrial and organizational psychology, highlighting the progress made and the challenges ahead.

Transform from the Bottom Up

How best should companies seek to evolve? The Smith School's M. Susan Taylor says continuous organizational change is likely to have its roots at lower "work unit" levels and wind its way upward. Her model helps explain why.

What's Old Is New Again

Selling new generation models only to be left with returned merchandise from older generations can be problematic. New research explores a possible solution.

The Perks of Being a Hotel Goer

When it comes to booking a hotel, where to stay can be influenced by more than price. Two Smith School professors examine which hotel amenities are most likely to keep guest coming back.

Planting Seeds for Organic Growth

Companies are coming up with ways to tap crowds online for innovative ideas, product support and better ways to connect with their customers. And there is a right way to do it.

Breaking Down the Effects of Speaking Up

Encouraging team members to voice their constructive opinions and concerns about work-related issues leads to performance and safety gains, according to new Smith School research.

A Hands-off Approach To Creativity

How does leadership — and leadership style — affect the origin of creativity in work environments? New Smith School research takes a closer look.

When Finding the Right Words Pays Off

The Smith School's Michael Trusov, associate professor of marketing, proposes a two-part approach to help advertisers gauge how well their paid search ads are performing.

Why Mood Matters in the Workplace

Emotions and moods play into an organization’s overall climate, and that climate affects big-picture organizational relationship-building, productivity, creativity and reliability performance.

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