Improving Patient Health, One Amazon Alexa at a Time

Imagine a world where your Amazon Alexa checks on you to make sure you’ve taken your medication and alerts your provider with clinically important information. With the advent of new technology such as telehealth, a team of Maryland Smith researchers want to make this a reality, strengthening the connection between patients and providers.

Golden Wins Mathematics Research Award

Bruce L. Golden, the France-Merrick Chair in Management Science in the department of Decision, Operations and Information Technologies at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, and two of his Ph.D. students have won the 2020 Trevor Evans Award from the Mathematical Association of America.

Maryland Smith’s Bruce Golden Wins Lifetime Achievement Award

Maryland Smith’s Bruce L. Golden is the 2019 recipient of the Robert Herman Lifetime Achievement Award in Transportation Science.

Golden Receives Prestigious Operations Research Award

Bruce Golden, the France-Merrick Chair in Management Science at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, has been named as the recipient of the George E. Kimball Medal.

More Efficient, But Not Always Better


Flu or Something More Sinister? Using Computer Models to Find Out

Symptoms resulting from a bioterrorism attack could be alarmingly similar to those of the flu. A computer model developed by Sean Barnes, assistant professor of operations management, aims to identify one from the other by their very different transmission dynamics.  Barnes built his original simulation model for his dissertation as a mathematics PhD student at the University of Maryland (2012) to help public health officials seeing the two scenarios play out and determine which they are dealing with. 

Curbing a Deadly, Economic Drain

Research by Sean Barnes and Bruce Golden Social Network Modeling Can Control Hospital Acquired Infections

Revenue-Driven Surgery Drives Patients Home Too Early

Financial considerations and poor planning drive some surgery patients home too early, concludes a pair of logistical studies conducted by researchers at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business. The studies show a correlation between readmission rates and how full the hospital was at the time of discharge, suggesting that patients went home before they were healthy enough. The researchers recommend better planning and other logistical solutions to avoid these problems.

Profit-Driven Patient Discharge Practices

Research by Bruce Golden Surgeons discharge patients to ensure that their surgeries will not be cancelled for a lack of recovery beds.

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