Data Science, Machine Learning and the Looming Shakeup

Potential pitfalls of machine learning include bias and unequal benefits. In healthcare, these stakes are especially serious.

Reading Between the Data Points

Sahitya Angara took an analytical approach when selecting a master's program. We’d expect nothing less from her – Angara was, in fact, a data analyst prior to arriving in Maryland from her former job in Chennai, India. She’s always enjoyed “reading between the data points.”

Entrepreneur Adds Analytics Skills

Peiyan “Pearl” Yu’s startup, NanBoOne New Media Studio, was nearly an overnight success. She and some classmates at Nanjing University in China had an idea to broadcast university events online, such as graduations. They purchased equipment and started streaming. Within a year, an investor bought their company and retained them, and the company quickly grew. By the time Yu left for the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, the company spanned more than 10 universities in Nanjing and Shanghai.

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