This workshop from the Counseling Center will address common student mental health concerns, ways to communicate about mental health with students, available mental health resources (including the Counseling Center) and how to refer them, and methods of coping for everyone involved. It will occur a few times throughout the semester (9/27, 11/3, 12/3) to hopefully accommodate varied schedules.




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Terrapin Leadership Institute (TLI) is a five-week-long leadership development program tasked to guide students across campus — through hands-on activities and critical dialogue—in discovering who they are as leaders and becoming confident with tangible leadership skills and strategies that can be applied to their everyday lives. The workshop is a low-commitment, high-intensity series that is meant to accommodate the student's busy schedules. There is no cost to participate in TLI!

Fall Sessions (in-person): 




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Cassander Smith (U of Alabama), Sheri-Marie Harrison (U of Missouri), Rebecca Barr (Jesus College, Cambridge), and Kerry Sinanan (University of Texas at San Antonio) will offer a roundtable discussion on Marlon James’ The Book of Night Women” (2009) and its 18th-century intertexts as a follow-up workshop to Professor Sinanan’s September 20 conversation with Professor Honoreé Fannone Jeffers.




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Join us in a community of support and connection in this virtual space for APIDA (Asian Pacific Islander Desi American) students at UMD!! Share your stories of pride, cultural heritage as well as difficult experiences with racism, xenophobia, pandemic, etc. This space is open to APIDA diaspora across ethnic identities, national origin, religion, sexual orientation, dis/ability, caste, gender identity, and immigration status.

Email or with questions.




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The Resilience and Adaptability Series will explore the ways that our expectations and thoughts affect us in everyday life. We will highlight the ways our expectations may lead to difficulties and provide skills to become more resilient and face life head-on!

First Thursday of the Month: Freedom from Perfectionism
This workshop will explore how perfectionism impacts students and provide strategies to help you embrace imperfection in yourself and others.




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This Relationships and Communication series will focus on the ins and outs of relationships, from conflict to communication to connection. We will offer tips for healthy interactions and help you get the most out of your relationships, not only with other people but also with social media!




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This workshop series is all about improving your academic performance with skills for success. We will help you get organized, get focused, and get motivated to take charge of your academic life.

First Tuesday of the Month of the Month: Time Management
This workshop will help you prioritize your obligations and organize your schedule so that you can take care of responsibilities in a timely manner and make time for self-care too!




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The Coping Skills Series will help participants develop a broad range of coping skills applicable to daily life, including managing stress, emotions, and uncertainty, as well as take a deeper dive into the practice of mindfulness.

First Monday of the Month: Mastering Mindfulness
Practicing mindfulness can help you manage your emotions, accept your reality, and stay grounded. Learn techniques to build your mindfulness skills and practice with brief mindful meditations during the workshop.




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