How to Talk When a Machine Is Listening: Corporate Disclosure in the Age of AI

Growing AI readership (proxied for by machine downloads and ownership by AI-equipped investors) motivates firms to prepare filings friendlier to machine processing and to mitigate linguistic tones that are unfavorably perceived by algorithms. Loughran and McDonald (2011) and BERT available since 2018 serve as event studies supporting attribution of the decrease in the measured negative sentiment to increased machine readership. This relationship is stronger among firms with higher benefits to (e.g., external financing needs) or lower cost (e.g., litigation risk) of sentiment management.

Applied AI for finance and accounting: Alternative data and opportunities

Big data and artificial intelligence (AI) have transformed the finance industry by altering the way data and information are generated, processed, and incorporated into decision-making processes. Data and information have emerged as a new class of assets, facilitating efficient contracting and risk-sharing among corporate stakeholders. Researchers have also increasingly embraced machine learning and AI analytics tools, which enable them to exploit empirical evidence to an extent that far surpasses traditional methodologies.

Site Visits and Corporate Investment Efficiency

Site visits allow visitors to physically inspect productive resources and interact with on-site employees and executives face to face. We posit that, by allowing visitors to acquire investment-related information and monitor the management team, site visits offer disciplinary benefits for corporate investments. Using mandatory disclosures of site visits in China, we find that corporate investments become more responsive to growth opportunities as the intensity of site visits increases, consistent with the notion that site visits yield disciplinary benefits.

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