Centers for International Business Education (CIBE)

The Smith School's Center for Global Business is home to one of 16 Centers for International Business Education (CIBE) in the country. CIBE, a Title VI grant administered by the U.S. Department of Education, serves as a regional and national resource for teaching, research and outreach in international business and related fields. The school won its sixth CIBE grant in 2022 and has been awarded $1.34 million for the four-year grant with 100% matching funds from the Smith School and the University of Maryland. The CIBE program is also known nationally as CIBER (Centers for International Education and Research).

In the current grant period, the Center for Global Business focuses grant research and programmatic activities on U.S. global competitiveness, building resilience, and responding to global shocks.

The Centers for International Business Education (CIBE) program was created by Congress under the Omnibus Trade and Competitiveness Act of 1988 to increase and promote the nation’s capacity for international understanding and competitiveness. Administered by the U.S. Department of Education under Title VI, Part B of the Higher Education Act of 1965, the CIBE network links the manpower and technological needs of the United States business community with the international education, language training, and research capacities of universities across the country. The fifteen CIBERs serve as regional and national resources to business people, students, and teachers at all levels. This grant program adheres to the Education Department General Administrative Regulations (EDGAR) Title 34, Code of Federal Regulations (CFR), Parts 74-86 and 97-99.

The CIBE network links the personpower and technological needs of the United States business community with the international education, language training, and research capacities of universities across the country.

Read the 2014 U.S. Business Needs for Employees with International Expertise produced by the Centers for International Business Education and Research.

CIBE Consortium for Education Abroad (CC/FEA)

This fully funded collaborative initiative of the Title VI CIBE program and the Forum on Education Abroad is designed to increase the capacity for community colleges to develop education abroad programs and to develop a workforce with a global perspective by providing comprehensive, wraparound support. 

Institutions selected for participation will identify a team of two to four administrators and/or faculty members who will commit to formulating a strategic action plan to move education abroad efforts forward at their institution for the next 12-18 months. The institutional team must contain at least one faculty member. While not required, preference will be given to schools whose participant team includes a faculty member who teaches business or economics.

Through a series of specially designed workshops, webinars, and networking meetings, participating individuals will be introduced to resources, experienced education abroad practitioners, and fellow community college peers to assist them to create and implement their strategic action plan. Participants will be matched with an experienced mentor who will work closely with them during this intensive program.

Please visit the CC/FEA website for program dates and current information.

MSI Consortium

The Center for Global Business at Smith is a contributing partner of the MSI Consortium, a consortium of CIBEs assisting HBCUs with faculty development, study abroad, faculty development abroad, grant writing and pedagogical resource sharing activities. GSU-CIBER serves as the lead institution and information on the consortium can be found on their website.

  • International Business Pedagogy Workshops: The annual faculty development workshops have trained over 1,500 faculty around the country over the past two decades. Previously hosted by the University of Memphis CIBER, the workshops are designed to help U.S. business faculty bring international context into the classroom and to expand their classroom knowledge and skills.
  • GSU-CIBER International Business Case Competition: Open to students from the MSI Consortium, this two-day event brings together seven to ten teams from the MSI Consortium, with four undergraduate students per team. The teams receive an internationally focused business case and present their solutions to a panel of judges consisting of executive leaders from the Atlanta business community.


The CIBE Consortium for Minority-Serving Institution (MSI) and Community College (CC) (CMCC) is a consortium of nine universities across the country that are home to the Centers for International Business Education and Research, a Title VI grant provided by the U.S. Department of Education. The CIBE CMCC includes the University of South Carolina, University of Washington, George Washington University, Indiana University, Florida International University, San Diego State University, Brigham Young University, Georgia Tech, and the University of Maryland.

The consortium acts as a resource multiplier in connecting schools across the CIBE network with MSIs and CCs nationwide for the purpose of internationalizing business education, thereby increasing the visibility of and access to innovative development opportunities for faculty, staff, and students.

The CMCC actively seeks to support institutions and individuals (faculty, administrators, and students) at MSIs and CCs across the country who aim to develop capabilities that will expand and strengthen international business education at their respective institutions or increase their own expertise in international business education.

Please visit CMCC for more information.

CIBE Network Resources

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