Experiential Learning News

January 29, 2014
Smith School Hosts 50 Students from Australia

The Office of Global Initiatives at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business hosted 50 Australian EMBA, MBA, and undergraduate students from RMIT University in Melbourne – one of Australia’s most highly-ranked business schools – from Jan. 4-18, 2014, in College Park.

Read News Story : Smith School Hosts 50 Students from Australia
December 23, 2013
Seniors Present at 2013 QUEST Senior Conference

Students in the University of Maryland’s Quality Enhancement Systems and Teams (QUEST) honors program are used to making an impact.

Read News Story : Seniors Present at 2013 QUEST Senior Conference
December 13, 2013
Smith Students ‘Get Networking’ at Social Impact Career Workshop 3

For many Smith students, an ideal career is one with more than just a big salary. They want a career that aligns with their values and supports a mission they feel passionate about.

Read News Story : Smith Students ‘Get Networking’ at Social Impact Career Workshop 3
December 12, 2013
PhD Candidate Profile: Jorge Mejia
Academia + Entrepreneurship: When science meets great business ideas 

Read News Story : PhD Candidate Profile: Jorge Mejia
December 9, 2013
PhD Candidate Profile: Bryan Stroube
PhD Candidate Tracks Rise of Peer-to-peer Online Lending in China

“Welcome from Prestigious American University Bryan Stroube to share his expert knowledge.” 

Read News Story : PhD Candidate Profile: Bryan Stroube
December 5, 2013
Martin Feldstein Addresses Smith Faculty and Students

What is ahead for the American economy?  Martin Feldstein, president emeritus of the National Bureau of Economic Research and George F. Baker Professor of Economics at Harvard University, visited the University of Maryland’s Robert H.

Read News Story : Martin Feldstein Addresses Smith Faculty and Students
December 5, 2013
Student Teams Showcase a Semester of Nonprofit Consulting Work

There was certainly a sense of accomplishment at the ChangeTheWorld.org Symposium and Reception hosted by the Center for Social Value Creation (CSVC). After a semester-long consulting engagement with nonprofits across the country, student consultants were eager to discuss the impressive outcomes of their work.

Read News Story : Student Teams Showcase a Semester of Nonprofit Consulting Work
November 21, 2013
Smith Students Meet with Warren Buffett


Read News Story : Smith Students Meet with Warren Buffett
November 20, 2013
CEO@Smith: Kelly King, BB&T

“Enthusiastically go after every single day.” This was the message of BB&T Chairman and CEO Kelly King’s Nov. 6 CEO@Smith presentation at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

“Passion causes us to give it our all. Be passionate and purposeful about life – you can make a difference.”

Read News Story : CEO@Smith: Kelly King, BB&T
November 19, 2013
Author Chris Schroeder Speaks to Students

For years, much of the American conversation about the Middle East has revolved around stories of violence, religious conflict, and political turmoil. Chris Schroeder, on the other hand, is intent on shedding light on a burgeoning trend in the region that receives far less media attention: entrepreneurship.

Read News Story : Author Chris Schroeder Speaks to Students
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